A few nights ago I came down to get Wesley more water at 12:30am and I turned on the light to find a HUGE spider waiting for me. I tried to scare him away by throwing pieces of paper in his direction – no luck. OK now what am I going to do?? I went into the living room – looking very carefully at the ground to make sure he did not have an accomplices – and put on Joshua’s shoes. I carefully walked over the the fridge, then to the sink and back out of the kitchen. I don’t think the intruder noticed, because he did not move at all… Then I turned off the light and went to sit with Wesley while he was sick. All I could think of was that damn spider. Every time I closed my eyes there he was. He made my stomach turn and I got a creepy feeling.

I told Joshua about it in the morning and he said he looked for me, but the only signs the intruder had been there were the 4 pieces of paper strewn about the kitchen.

Then yesterday Wesley, Jillian and I got back from a walk to the park and there sitting next to the hearth was that damn spider again. At first I thought he was one of Wesley’s toy spiders – but the way he had some of his legs up on the brick I knew he was real. I called Joshua and he said he was on his way home anyway and that if it was still there he would take care of it for me.

So I got out the camera – to prove to Joshua that the spider was real and that it was HUGE. I snapped the pictures and I had that stomach turning creepy feeling the whole time. I did not want him to escape Joshua again. So I did every thing I could to stay far away from him until Joshua came home.

Joshua came home and the first thing he did was take a look. I don’t think he thought it was as big as I thought it was… But he got a pitcher and a piece of paper and went to work to trap the spider so he could set it free outside.

I am happy that our unwelcome house guest it no longer in the house. I can walk around more peacefully now……until the next intruder scares me in the middle of the night and Joshua has to come and rescue me. Thank goodness for great husbands!!


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1 Comment on 8 Legged Intruder

  1. Dave says:

    Uggg! I hate spiders. Perhaps I could make a irrad-a-spider-cater for you!


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