Over the last week the the following two commercials have come to my attention.  They are both remarkable for their sheer WTF? value.

The first is for a piece of software by Microsoft, Songsmith.  The whole thing comes off so fake that I keep hoping that it must be tongue-in-cheek, but I don’t see any wink-wink anywhere to make me think it is anything, but genuine.  The product might even be fun, though I doubt it will ever save your job (unless you work at Apple).  Hopefully it is better done than the commercial. Oh, and by the way, as has been pointed out several places online, that little girl’s laptop is a Mac.

The second is for a product that really shouldn’t exist.  Bumpits are basically breast implants for your hair.  “Sara’s hair isn’t so great, she stuffs”. “No sir, I’m not smuggling drugs, its Bumpits!”  If they weren’t actually taking orders for the thing I’d say it was fake.  If only Ron Popeil were involved, then at least then I’d be able to get a free set of steak knives with my purchase.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m out of touch with fashion (yes I know you were thinking “reality”, but that’s a different story).  I’d never seen anyone with hair this high that wasn’t the victim of some terrible accident.  Normal heads are not shaped this way.  But then I couldn’t sleep last night and I watch TMZ.  There were several skinny women in fancy outfits wearing hair similar to this.  So apparently this really is going on. Which only leaves the question, Why?

both via BoingBoing


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1 Comment on Two Lamest Commercials I’ve Seen In A While

  1. Janette says:

    HA HA! Songsmith was horrible, but I just saw the ad for the bumpits and thought seriously about getting some. :)

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