Scary article about some recent research regarding food preferences and how they are affected by advertising. Some excerpts are below. The jist: Don’t let your kids watch much if any TV. Check out this link for some great no-tv resources:

“McFood” Better Than Food, Kids Say, Preschoolers Say Carrots Better When Served From McDonalds Bag – CBS News
Its not the food, its the brand name. Marketing strongly affects 4-year-olds food preferences, find Stanford University pediatrics researcher Thomas N. Robinson, M.D., and colleagues.

In all cases, the majority of the kids said the “best” foods were those linked to the McDonald’s brand, even though the only differences between the bags were the McDonald’s logos (no special advertising materials were used).

77 percent of the kids said the same french fries, from McDonald’s, were better in a McDonald’s bag than in a plain bag (13 percent liked the ones in the plain bag; 10 percent could tell they were the same).

61 percent of the kids said milk tasted better in a McDonald’s cup (21 percent liked milk in a plain cup; 18 percent could tell it was the same).

  • 59 percent of the kids said chicken nuggets tasted better in a McDonald’s bag (18 percent liked them in a plain bag; 23 percent could tell they were the same).
  • 54 percent of the kids said carrots tasted better in a McDonald’s bag (23 percent liked them in a plain bag; another 23 percent could tell they were the same).
  • 48 percent of the kids liked hamburgers better in a McDonald’s wrapper (37 percent liked them in a plain wrapper; 15 percent could tell they were the same).Kids who preferred “McFood” tended to live in homes with a greater number of television sets and tended to eat at McDonald’s more often than kids not influenced by the McDonald’s brand name.
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