I think Wesley has decided that he is now officially all grown up. In the last couple of days, beginning when Jillian came home, he has made a few changes around here. He started with our seating arrangements for lunch and dinner. He has fully refused to eat in his highchair. He has always liked his highchair and has been excited to get in and begin eating. Now he won’t get near the thing. He utters a big “Nooooo” when asked to climb in and shakes his head so hard I think it might come right off. He has taken to eating in a normal chair, reluctantly with his bib. After two days we’ve given in and Amber is at this moment buying him a booster seat for the dining room chairs.
Today he also decided that he was going to start using the toilet. Now, he has asked to use it before and even managed to squeeze out a few drops, but nothing like this before. Today, in the bath we had this conversation:
W: “Dada. Dada, poop”
J: “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
W: “Yeah.”
J: “Now?”
W: (emphatically) “YES.”
Out of the tub he comes. Gets a quick dry off and onto the toilet. A few minutes later we have an honest to goodness poop and pee in the toilet. He was so excited he started to clap his hands and got a huge smile on his face. He kept telling us he had more, using his signs, and sure enough out came more. We sang songs and had a good time. Took pictures of course. He was pushing so hard that I thought he might break something. But he is young I guess and will probably recover quickly.
We had two and half more successful potty trips today. The half comes from us saying he was done, him saying more and getting back on the toilet. He squeezed out a couple more just to prove us wrong. Not to say that he is potty trained or anything. We are a long way off from being diaper free, but it is pretty exciting. He even asked that I change his diaper when it was wet. Of course that request came during his screaming refusal to go to bed. Which brings us to the next change Wesley is trying to implement.
Along with his other changes Wesley is trying to rid himself of a bed time. He fought and screamed and cried and yelled “mama, dada” for upwards of an hour. This time did include a break while singing with dad, while eating a whole banana and drinking a cup of milk. And of course we can’t forget the per request wet diaper change. Even after fifteen minutes of holding, swaying and singing with his head on my shoulder Wesley would still pop up his head and look toward the door point with his pacifier and say “There it is” as if I had lost the door and was singing to him to blow time until we found our way out and he didn’t have to go to sleep.
I just hope he doesn’t grow up too quickly. I’ll miss my little guy. But certainly not the diapers.
[...] we believe, for him to experience the joys of using the toilet. We know he can do it because he trained himself for three days before moving back to [...]