A few weeks ago we went to a barbecue at the house of some friends. There were four families and we all headed to the pool before the burgers and birthday cake. At the pool I was sort of caught by the fact that of the four guys, really, not one of us should have […]
Today is Amber’s 29th birthday. Of the 29 years so far, I would guess that this hasn’t been the hardest, but it definitely hasn’t been the easiest either. She has sacrificed a good deal to move to Texas and it has been really tough on her. But she is one of the strongest women I […]
The current housing and credit problems in the United States are at one level, very complicated, but at another level come down to two basics human instincts: To make as much money as possible as quickly as possible (avarice) “they are doing it so we will too” (the lemming factor) By far the best explanation […]
We just had our first big tornado scare. The big storm was predicted to hit us with a “tornado likelihood” in Wells Branch of 6.8/10. The weather folks couldn’t sound more excited that they were getting to use their new toys. They did their best to temper it with concern, but it was pretty obvious. […]