Amber on June 10th, 2009

Our days have already been very hot!  According to the weather man our the temps we are getting right now are what we are usually having mid summer…  So it is going to be a long long summer. Last year we found that a small pool on the deck was a nice way to cool […]

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Amber on June 9th, 2009

JI… I know you don’t like to celebrate this very special day…but I do.   So, I will keep it simple for you today.  Thank you for sharing your life with me.  I am looking forward to the next 30 years!! I love you with all of my heart. AR…  

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Amber on June 8th, 2009

Wesley and Jillian are getting so big.  Wesley made the transition from his trike to a 2 wheeler with training wheels (Thank you to Elliott – this is his old bike).  And boy was he excited!! And without even saying a word to Jillian, she walked over to Wesley’s trike and said “my bike”.   She […]

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Joshua on June 6th, 2009 – back from walk. now playing treasure hunt in sand box. # New Hunter Family rule: Your time-out lasts as long as it takes me to recover from being punched in the groin by you. # W: There are pictures in the clouds. Look mom and dad! Me and A: We see them. J:Me […]

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