- RT @Reygnbull: "@huntertrek Dinner in the sky in Vegas; starts at $169 per person (but I think you need 20 people!)" #
- Back from bikeride with Wes. We rode around the block and he crashed 3 times (with training wheels). Probably not the next Lance Armstrong. #
- Wesley just let me out of time out. Dang! #
- Listened to this while on hold and coding a bit. Need to stop that I guess. Science Friday: The Myth Of Multitasking http://bit.ly/52AJx #
- whole neighborhood smells like skunk. haven't seen any in austin proper…yet #
- I wish I had $8k to build our own custom Backblaze Storage Pods: 67 terabyte 4U servers for $7,867. http://bit.ly/vDhw0 #
- RT: @planetmoney: Wow — unemployment's up in every 372 metro area. Talk about nowhere to hide. /lc http://bit.ly/2NT8tT #
- WOW! I'm shocked. Try it yourself: : WhatTheInternetKnowsAboutYou: your browser is giving away your history http://bit.ly/hvOVE #
- http://twitpic.com/g95qg – Quack! Jillian after her bath. #
- Watching Twilight, filmed in Forks, WA. Movie is okay, but the clouds are gorgeous. So much green. I can't wait until October visit. #
- Redmond WANTS Maggie in THAT way, but has no clue what to do. It is sad really. Like a kid on the playground he won't stop pestering her #
- Redmond! No means No! #
- I think Amber and I could share this quite nicely. Cinnamon Roll On Pretzel? on Flickr http://bit.ly/hMB2S #
Tags: twitter
Hey Hunters, John and Bert will be in San Antonio on Oct 28th for the Cougar game on the 31st. Hope to trip to Austin and stop by to see you guys on the 29th or 30th if you are in town. Let us know. Later.