
Amber on October 1st, 2009

Wesley wanted to take home the big stick he found at the pond in the afternoon.  I told him we could make it into a fishing pole and take it back to the pond after dinner. I made his line out of a piece of string and his hook out of a clothes pin.  The […]

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Amber on September 21st, 2009

It is so great now that the weather has cooled off!  We spent hours in the backyard on Friday.  During the summer, we are not able to spend much time outside without the kids getting too hot.  We had such a great time outside that Wesley did not want us to stop!  

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Joshua on September 13th, 2009

Well, we finally got all of our negatives scanned, filtered out the lousiest of them, and placed our final order with  In all we sent them 3821 negatives and rejected 959 of them.  Most of the ones we rejected were either blurry or dark. I also rejected pictures containing no person or thing I […]

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Amber on September 12th, 2009

Lately our days have been pretty boring, but we made up for that on Friday. In the morning before lunch, we had a fun time working on art projects and painting. Wesley spent a lot of time on each piece of art.  He already has an idea of good and not good art.  He commented […]

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