
Amber on August 21st, 2008

We had Jillian’s 1st Birthday party this past Sunday.  Lots of kids and lots of parents were there to help us celebrate her first year.  She arrived to the party late – she over slept.  But once she joined her friends she enjoyed every minute. She had her first juice box.  It was apple juice […]

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Amber on August 15th, 2008

Jillian had her 1 year check up. Length: 26 inches (Bellow 5%tile) Weight: 16 pounds 5 ounces (Bellow 5%tile) Head Circumference: 43.8cm (10-15%tile) But she is doing great with her development.  She is as active as a 15 month old. We love our little bundle of joy.  It is sweet that we can still say […]

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Amber on August 13th, 2008

Each of the pictures was taken on or around the 13th of each month. It is so great to see her grow over the past year. Happy 1st Birthday Jillian Rose.  

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Joshua on August 12th, 2008

Jillian loves Wesley.  And just as much as she loves Wesley she loves Wesley’s underwear.  She wants to wear them all the time.  I think this stems from the fact that Wesley basically wants to be naked all the time so we compromise and he goes around the house in underwear, but no shorts.  She […]

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