Texas Life
Today we had the lowest humidity Austin has seen since one day in the middle of April. The average humidity today was 42 percent. That felt so good. I ran and the sweat, get this, evaporated off of me. I know. I know. Crazy, huh? It was still 88 F, but felt so much better […]
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I would say that this weekend was one of the nicest we’ve had since we moved to Austin. The weather was nice, a little warm, but not too hot. We went to get pumpkins, went to the Wells Branch Renaissance Festival and generally hung out together. Here are a few photos to give you a peek.
Apparently there is a rather large cave system under Austin. Who knew? Kicks it up one notch on the cool scale as far as I’m concerned. I’m just glad I wasn’t the one on the news last night being rescued. Three UT students (Aggies insert jokes here) were rescued from the caves unharmed, but after […]
By now you probably know that I am planning on running the Austin Marathon. It is being held in downtown Austin on February 17th, 2008. You probably also know that I’m not much of a runner. Sure, I can run. I even do run on a fairly regular basis. What I am not is a […]