Texas Life

Joshua on November 10th, 2008

Despite baking bread and making homemade stew I couldn’t make it feel like Fall.  I even toyed around with the idea of lighting a fire in the fireplace, but decided that if I did the air conditioner would be sure to kick on.  So instead of Fall we are still enjoying Northwest summer, with highs […]

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Joshua on October 30th, 2008

Last night Wesley and I headed down to play Frisbee golf with Mat, Elliott, and Jurgen (who is visiting from Seattle).  With the shrinking daylight by the time we finished it was rather dark On the way home he stopped, looked up and said “Oh, pretty stars!”. He then proceeded to stare, head turned up […]

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Joshua on October 27th, 2008

Today Amber and I took the kids and headed down to the Randall’s grocery store near my office and voted on the way home after work.  We knew we were in the right place because most grocery store parking lots aren’t littered with campaign signs.  Texas has this early voting thing where they set up […]

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Joshua on October 24th, 2008

Last weekend, after going to Annalise’s 1st birthday (which Amber wrote about in the last post) we headed over to Maker Faire.  Now what Maker Faire is exactly is a little hard to explain.  It is kind of like a mostly sober Burning Man with an emphasis on technology.  Basically there is a magazine/website called […]

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