Wesley has traded in his old car seat for a brand new booster seat. He is so excited that I can’t put it into words. And when he found out it had not one, but two cup holders, he was bouncing off the walls. As soon as it arrived he was literally ripping the box apart with his bare hands and when I got home from work we had to install it right away. Once installed we he wouldn’t get out of it until he had a chance to test it out on a real car ride. It is wonderful how simple things can make a child so happy.
- The best thing about being salaried instead of hourly? Getting to come in and work all weekend without any of those pesky overtime dollars. #
- RT @doctorow Every time I hear someone explain how US health can't be fixed with Euro systems, I assume speaker thinks Yanks have speciated #
- Just drank my 1st Big Red. It is all over the place in TX, but I rarely see anyone drinking one. Now I know why. Kind of like bubblegum pop. #
- Family visiting me at work. They mostly came up so W could see our three microwaves. Can you believe that? Three microwaves in one room! #
- Playing horseshoes. Me: Why is your tongue out. W: It means I'm an expert. http://flic.kr/p/7aeRYM #
- Wesley's going to costco outfit. http://flic.kr/p/7aDwxX #
- Jillian saw the carrot juice and said "For bunnies!" http://flic.kr/p/7aDJQg #
- Reviewing 200 or so resumes for a position in our IT dept. Tip: spell resume correctly or I won't open yours. Hint: there is no "Z". #
- Lesson learned: Don't sword fight with a 4 year old girl. 3 weeks and it still hurts to bend my finger. Don't mess with Cecily! #
- Wesley in his new booster seat. No more infant car seats for him. Super excited. http://flic.kr/p/7bgdMN #
- Wesley's monster halloween bug with lots of penises (maybe the plural is peni?) http://flic.kr/p/7bdemT #
- My free Win7 upgrade shipped today. Yay! Too bad it is the lousy Home "premium" version. Meh. #
- It is sciency and delicious! Good thing my own DNA isn't so yummy or I'd probably be auto-cannibalizing myself. http://bit.ly/3RRz8y #
- How hard is it to put the power supply reqs (V & A) on a device? This new HP laptop has 145 sq inches of space on the bottom, but no info. #
- Gentleman with a gun & "Major Crimes Unit" jacket in our office. Likely not going to be as exciting in real life as it would be in a movie. #
- A sure fire sign you've been at work too long? All the people who parked near you are gone. http://flic.kr/p/7br1ZM #
- Cost of war in Afghanistan? $1million per soldier per year: NPR http://bit.ly/4ii6WX 40,000 more soldiers = 40 billion more dollars a year #
- Just had a nice visit with John and Bert. Kids showed them the pond and Bois d'Arc. #
- Wesley tells Amber: Your brains are under your hair, but not Uncle John's. His are under his skin. #
- Dead on (pun intended) New Yorker Halloween cover. I know I'm guilty (but trying to get better). http://bit.ly/1LTL8N #
Tags: twitter
- Eating lunch at Lorenzo's in Sedro-Woolley. http://flic.kr/p/78g3xA #
- Heading out of Woolley. Just filled up the blazer. Known to its friends as the bottomless pit of gasoline. #
- Wesley and Jillian having 2nd breakfast at Alki. #seattle http://flic.kr/p/78v987 #
- Eating dinner with Janette, Lisa and Stellanne. http://flic.kr/p/78z9Fz #
- and we are back on the ground in texas. feelings? mixed. #
- Jillian sleeping on the plane shortly before landing. http://flic.kr/p/78PSu6 #
- Wesley sleeping on the plane, too. http://flic.kr/p/78PTkp #
- Top 4K feet of Mt Rainier from our plane. http://flic.kr/p/78TL5s #
- "I present to you the unheralded but noble sport of "anvil launching"" – Makes me proud to be a man. http://bit.ly/2dURO5 #
- Normally getting a delivery of 2 palettes of computer hardware would make me happy. Today it just reminds me that I have way to much to do. #
- 2 cars have moved into my space in my lane today causing me to swerve out of their way. Sometimes I feel invisible, but I'm not, am I? #
- regarding dog surgery: "Turns out if you knock a dog out you can vacuum them. They don't care." Planet Money Blog : NPR http://bit.ly/35ghCk #
- I just unboxed a new computer, installed a video card and reassembled it before my laptop rebooted. I'm not bragging it is just that slow. #
- fire alarms going off at work. we don't evacuate in any more of an orderly manner than kindergarteners. #
- Why is my senator so lame? –Al Franken kicks eleventy-million kinds of ass in health-care hearing– video: http://bit.ly/1rj6UL #
Tags: twitter