- I just ate the greatest jelly bean of my life. Yummy! #
- Off to hike sauk mountain! #
- At the base of Sauk. No other cars in the lot. Nice cold breeze. Gorgeous. http://flic.kr/p/76hhkt #
- All alone on Sauk summit. Nobody else even in the parking lot. !!! http://flic.kr/p/76hjrx #
- Eating cake at the wedding. http://flic.kr/p/76HrNa #
- I just had pastrami and candy corn for breakfast. Vacation is in full swing. http://flic.kr/p/76X6gf #
- Pumpkins carved. W's mean face and J's happy face. http://flic.kr/p/786wMA #
- Getting ready to make polar bear desserts with YaYa. http://flic.kr/p/782JyF #
Tags: twitter
- Today's winner in the "up much too early for my tastes" contest? drumroll please …………
Jillian! # - On a date with Amber at the Oasis, Austin. Too bad for the rain (and sunset), but nice to be kidless. http://flic.kr/p/74zH8m #
- After shopping at the mall (i got a tie) we are at the dollar theater to watch Up. With any luck the kids will be asleep when we get home. #
- Up was kind of a let down. okay, but not great for all the press it got. #
- rt @Richard_Dawkins "You can hold views that are contrary to evidence if you want, but don't expect anybody to respect you for it." #
- Last night W and I were taking turns singing beatles songs (his idea). mine was Hey Jude. His was about an ant a stinkbug and a cockroach. #
- To the fine folks at Zirh…Shave cream should not burn. Adjectives like soothing, refreshing, pleasant or enjoyable are more what you want. #
- house cleaned. bags packed. kids…not naked. I guess we are ready to go. #
- Not looking good for our flight on Alaska. 5 open seats. 6 standby passengers. 2 of which are higher up on the priority list than us. #
- relying on the kindness of strangers. all got on. all random middle seats. traded to kid/parent yeams. thank you alaska passengers! #
- Landed! So much prettier arrival than ABIA. now luggage, cab, car, 2hr drive. Sleep? maybe sometime. #
- After visit with my dad having dinner at Max Dales. http://flic.kr/p/76d6Uh #
Tags: twitter
- Playing mousetrap. A mouse's view of wesley. http://flic.kr/p/72v7uv #
- Wesley the 1970s ghost. http://flic.kr/p/72wRgz #
- With a name like that it has to be good. http://flic.kr/p/72Fbtu #
- my 2nd trip to the mall in 2.5 yrs. dinner, bouncy house and smoothies. see you in a year mall. #
- I bought some shaving supplies from http://bullgooseshaving.net and got an email response from an honest to god real person…at 2am. Wow! #
- RT @thinkgeek:"So apparently today is Ask a Stupid Question Day–a normal day for IT. Allow us:"Have you tried turning it off & on again?"" #
- math can suck. at the rate I'm going it may take 22hrs for each stocking. about 1700 knots each. ignorance is bliss. #
- The greatest pancake related video you will watch today or your money back! Make: Online: Amazing pancake sorting robot http://bit.ly/3tstt3 #
- The Next Youth-Magnet Cities http://bit.ly/19XtMz
First Place? Seattle in a tie with DC # - Just got my shaving stuff from bullgooseshaving.net So fast! Highly Recommended. http://flic.kr/p/73QWFb #
- now to youtube to figure out how to wet shave with a double-edge safety razor without bleeding out. #
- Fishing at the pond with homemade pole and clothespin hook. http://flic.kr/p/73MDJT #
- Dropped our T3 at work. all the pretty red/green lines on the channel bank kust like christmas. #
- all of our scancafe stuff came back finally. all that is left now is the months of tagging and uploading. #
- 2 very good shaves so far with my Merkur HD 34C razor. Redmond wants to eat my badger hair shave brush something fierce. #
- I'm not sure "crazy-ass" is a scientific term, but this is some crazy-ass thunder. #Austin #
- wearing my tractor tavern shirt today so I'll fit in with all the cool kids here for ACL fest. #
- Amber's new technique for the cloth diapers. http://flic.kr/p/74g6G3 #
- I may be the only non-middle aged woman at target right now. I'm also the only person not buying cheap wine. nothing but pop and candy 4 me #
- Now I am definitely the only non-middle aged woman in hobby lobby.latch-hooking is manly, right? #
- Amber wrote the keep out note Wesley dictated for his room. http://flic.kr/p/74dvkR #
- The best place to play tug of war with Red? On the nice smooth tile. It's hilarious. http://flic.kr/p/74irvW #
- Just had my first "Ah, Ha!" moment with DropBox. Synching Klok across two computers. $10/mo too steep. $5/mo my limit. Free versn gives 2gb. #
Tags: twitter
Wesley wanted to take home the big stick he found at the pond in the afternoon. I told him we could make it into a fishing pole and take it back to the pond after dinner.
I made his line out of a piece of string and his hook out of a clothes pin. The bait we packed was just bits of things we found in the kitchen.
So right after dinner, the whole family walked over to the pond.
Today, Wesley asked if he could go fishing again…I wonder if it is time to get a real fishing pole!