Joshua on August 15th, 2009
  • J keeps calling me into the bathroom this morning to tell me "Space!" which means I need to get out. She doesn't actually need anything. #
  • chuck e cheese refused to honor coupon from their own website because they are "trying to figure out where they are coming from" #
  • – playing chuck e's duckies #
  • – at parker's 2nd birthday swim party #
  • – j & w eating cupcakes at parker's bday party #wellsbranch #austin #
  • I just had a Scar Face moment with some ants after some food left on the counter: "Say hello to my little friend (the hand vac)" #
  • Health reform stirs passions in Skagit County #
  • RT @bre: "…Mental note: never depend on what is not mine." I couldn't agree more #
  • Common problem when trying to convince people of anything: Post hoc ergo propter hoc – Wikipedia via #
  • via @petersagal "After six to eight hours of network deprivation — also known as sleep" #
  • Watching Disney's cartoon version of Robin Hood. Man I love this movie. Wes likes it too. Oodelally! #
  • Are You a Digital Sharecropper? – I strongly urge everyone reading this to err on the side of building your own brand – #
  • First tweet from the new computer. Is it all 64-bit-ty? Next up #hundredpushups post test (just waiting for amber to get back form walk) #
  • I prefer "Less Miserables" aka "The Not Too Bads" RT @hodgman @nealpollack: "Les Uncomfortables #failedbroadwayshowtitles " #
  • no where near a hundred. Back to week 4, start again. Pushup Fail. I blame sunburned shoulders, blistered finger and my general wimpy-ness #
  • Running Python image manipulation script on 10 images. Old computer: 59s New Computer: 12s! Be even faster if I compiled PIL for 64bit. #
  • Happy 2nd Birthday Jillian Rose! #
  • Finished J's dr appt. 5-10th centile for height and weight. Of course everyone amazed with language and motor skills. Me too. #


Amber on August 13th, 2009

Happy 2nd birthday Jillian Rose!

Jillian knows she is no longer a baby.  She refers to herself as a “big girl” through out the day.  She is doing great with her potty training.  Only wears a diaper to nap and bed – and stays dry all day long.  Her language skills are amazing!  She is counting, you say 1 and she says 2, 3, 4 and sometimes 5.  And I am amazed how many colors she knows.  Wesley has a black star balloon – and when Jillian saw it she looked up and said “black balloon”.

Each and everyday Jillian surprises us, makes us laugh and always puts a smile on our faces.

Jillian’s Second Year:

What a beautiful girl! And look at her hair now...

This morning we took her in for her 2 year check-up – and she is still tiny!

  • Weight: 23 pounds (8th percentile)
  • Height: 31 & 3/4 inches (8th percentile)
  • Head: 46.5 cm (25th percentile)
  • BMI: 16.8 (60th percentile)

Here is Jillian’s First Year:


A happy yet bald baby...

Here is what Jillian measured up at her 1 year check up:

  • Length: 26 inches (Below 5%tile)
  • Weight: 16 pounds 5 ounces (Below 5%tile)
  • Head Circumference: 43.8cm (10-15%tile)

So looking at this – she is indeed growing… Just on a nice and slow pace.  :)

Jillian’s Birthday:
What a wonderful day!  She came into this world rather quickly and early in the morning.  And she has been a fast paced/early riser ever since.


Our sweet Baby J



Amber on August 9th, 2009

I know these posts that come every Saturday look a bit overwhelming.  There are no pictures – just things that say twit pic.  Almost all of them have green links to click on with the word bit in them.  But this is just Joshua’s way of sharing all of these great/funny/cute moments with everyone who does not have twitter.

So I am going to show you how to read them…

Here is a twit pic post for the week:

And here is the picture that you get when you click on the twitpic link:

And here is another item from the week:

And this is the picture you get:


And as for those bit things…
Twitter sets a limited number of characters he can use on each post.  But he often wants to share websites, so he uses a special website: to shorten websites.

Here is an example from the week:

  • Alaska has $99 each way nonstop Austin to Seattle, Portland, San Jose “Nerd Bird” #

If you click on the it takes you to:

I hope this helps some of you.

One of my favorite items Joshua twittered about this week was:

  • A lot of people shorten cockroach to roach. J was going the other way this morning. “Saw cock outside. Tried to eat me.” #

Without Joshua’s weekly update – you without twitter would have missed out on this great moment!!

So rather than just skipping over these wonderful gems each week – take a moment and look at the pictures and read all of the great things that have been happening to Joshua and the family.

I was just telling Joshua today how much I love that he uses his phone to take pictures of the kids when we are out and then to posting it to twitter about the picture.  They are really in the moment and so spontaneous – the kids don’t get a chance to get bored with the picture taking – the way they do when I have the camera.

Here is a twitter post that Joshua just sent while we were at a birthday party:

Click on the link yourself to see the super cute picture.  :)

You will see this and many many more next Saturday.  Happy Reading!!


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Joshua on August 8th, 2009
  • A lot of people shorten cockroach to roach. J was going the other way this morning. "Saw cock outside. Tried to eat me." #
  • – potty time together #
  • RT @timoreilly: "For that matter Bush 2003 drug prescription benefit will cost $803B over next 10 yrs, almost cost of Obama health plan." in reply to timoreilly #
  • got to camp now burnban. No charcoal. have to drv to marble falls to buy gas grill. Alt is salmonella for dinner. ban still not on website #
  • Amber: "Who is coming to the store with me?" Jillian: "CANDY!" –I don't know where they get there sweet tooth. #
  • Alaska has $99 each way nonstop Austin to Seattle, Portland, San Jose "Nerd Bird" #
  • Microsoft apps–only suckers pay retail | Rafe's Radar – CNET News #
  • Just finished week 6, day 1, column 3: 220 pushups. #
  • How Does Your Day Match the National Average? Great interactive graph. My favorite part: #
  • Why is it that the Austin Public library can email me that my books are overdue, but not that they will be due soon? #
  • Dog is going totally balls-to-the-wall nuts right now. Amber says 10:30p is his wild time. Sleeps most of the day, crazy monkey at night #
  • Just payed for @evernote premium. Now let's hope it doesn't sunrocket on me. Worth every penny by the way. #
  • I love Costco, but their order fulfillment is so slow. Please ship my computer already it has been several days and nothing. #
  • Our negatives finally made it to ScanCafe's imaging center in India! Expected to be scanned and online Sept 8th #
  • RT @Frauenfelder: Chirac says Bush told him Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog &Magog, Bible’s agents of the Apocalyps in reply to Frauenfelder #
  • Computer shipped! Direct from manufacturer. That is why it took so long. Sorry Costco. Same as the bed (which took a month and then sucked) #
  • – According to nifty map from UPS should be delivered Thursday (yes I'm a little excited) #
  • – J brushing her teeth before bed. #
  • Just finished week six of #HundredPushups. Me: 274, A: 170 today alone. Mon/Tue the big 100 pushups test. Still don't think I'll make it #
