Amber on June 10th, 2009

Our days have already been very hot!  According to the weather man our the temps we are getting right now are what we are usually having mid summer…  So it is going to be a long long summer.

Last year we found that a small pool on the deck was a nice way to cool down.  But that pool went through a hard life this winter and is no longer able to hold the water.  So the kids and I went to Toys-R-Us this week to get a new one.

Here is our old pool - sliding into the water last July.

Here is our old pool - sliding into the water last July.

We ended up with the same pool we got last year, only the bigger size.

Our new pool.

Our new pool - getting ready to have a fun time.

The kids are really enjoying it.  The slide is perfect!

Here is our new pool.

Jillian and Wesley want to be in the water and backyard all the time now!

And Redmond even likes the pool too :)


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Amber on June 9th, 2009


I know you don’t like to celebrate this very special day…but I do.   So, I will keep it simple for you today.  Thank you for sharing your life with me.  I am looking forward to the next 30 years!!

I love you with all of my heart.


Amber on June 8th, 2009

Wesley and Jillian are getting so big.  Wesley made the transition from his trike to a 2 wheeler with training wheels (Thank you to Elliott – this is his old bike).  And boy was he excited!!

And without even saying a word to Jillian, she walked over to Wesley’s trike and said “my bike”.   She can’t really ride it herself yet, but she still wants to “ride”.

With our new bikes and our helmets, we set off to ride around the block.

Redmond came too.

Redmond came too.

Wesley rode his bike so well.  He was able to figure out the brakes and how to get on and off right away.

Here he is near the end of the ride.  He smiled the whole time!

After dinner, we all went for a walk around the pond.  This time Jillian was in her pink car.  Wesley did an awesome job riding on the trail.  He rode so fast that we had to run to keep up with him.  He did have a fall when he tried to ride down the grassy hill toward the pond.  I was near by to keep him “safe” at the time…so as he was zooming toward the water and sticks, I did not know what to do, so I may or may not have pushed him a bit.  I was trying to grab him to slow him down- and he fell.  But surprisingly he came out of it without a  scratch!  His horn took the brunt of the fall, but don’t worry, it still works.

And since Saturday, he has wanted to ride his bike all the time.  We have gone for at least one ride each day.  It is so wonderful to see him so excited about being such a big kid.  And when Jillian wants to ride her big kid trike, we sure do get a workout pushing her around.  So these new bikes are a good thing for all of us. :)


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Joshua on June 6th, 2009
  • – back from walk. now playing treasure hunt in sand box. #
  • New Hunter Family rule: Your time-out lasts as long as it takes me to recover from being punched in the groin by you. #
  • W: There are pictures in the clouds. Look mom and dad! Me and A: We see them. J:Me too. Me too. #
  • Before we had kids I swear to you I did not spend my time online looking for pictures of whale poop. Here’s a good one #
  • To other parents out there: Barq’s Rootbeer has caffeine in it. As W’s sleeplessness can attest. #
  • To AARP and every other insurance company on earth: I’m not about to turn 65 and I won’t qualify for Medicare for 35 years. Leave me alone. #
  • W & J love my office. They also love candy. When they come here they leave sticky handprints on the windows. I smile every time I see one. #
  • RT @timoreilly must-read New Yorker piece on health care costs, and the battle for the soul of American medicine: #
  • Admitting my ignorance I had to look this up: Churrigueresque-refers to Spanish Baroque style of elaborate sculptural architectural ornament #
  • NPR: Andrei Cordrescu “If you ask me anything you can Google, then you force me to waste time being Google”, #
  • Amber + Joshua = <3 12 wonderful years! #love #
  • heard on NPR: “It’s time to dream again”. Damn straight! #
  • Making pizza with homemade dough and homegrown basil. Next time we’ll have homegrown tomatoes, too. yummy! thank you amber! #
  • – I told you it was yummy. #
  • God forbid you stop walkng 4 wide to let the guy running w/ 2 kids in a stroller and draggng a dog uphill on sandy path in 90+ temp get by. #
  • At home with the family. Now I have no scientific evidence to support this, but I think I may be the most fortunate man alive. So much love! #
