- http://twitpic.com/3zhcg – at the wells branch homestead festival #austin #
- Just planted watermelon! Fingers crossed. #
- http://twitpic.com/41tey – painting with W #
- J is walking around the house wearing nothing but a shoe and a wristwatch. Must be nice being less than 2 years old. #
- Distance from our house to tornado that knocked down 20 buildings today? about 15 miles – http://bit.ly/X24yy #
- Cut off this morning by a car with “I’d rather be playing tennis”. I’d rather they were playing tennis too. better than on the freeway #
- As a dad I’m here to tell you that every game of tic-tac-toe you won against your parents growing up was a lie. You can’t lose on accident. #
- Saw the first firefly (Lampyiridae sp) of the season on my run tonight. Funny how much nicer it is to see a firefly than a fire ant. #
- RT @Pogue: “YES! Disney & ABC will now offer TV shows on Hulu.com, joining NBC, Fox, and basically everyone but CBS. http://bit.ly/1moYR” #
- Are Pop Tarts the cause of childhood obesity? 200 Calories. Each. 400 per little mylar pack. At least a Snickers bar has some protein. #
- Laptop just BSOD’d again. Could this be God’s way of telling me I should be coding in Python and not VB? Maybe it’s just my crappy Acer. #
- We didn’t just lose 2 drives in the raid5 file server, did we? not good……… #
Tags: twitter
- I thought with the kids gone I’d be able to use the bathroom alone. Nope. Redmond has filled the void. #
- Back from dinner at the neighbors. Quite good. Our house smells intoxicatingly like fresh bread. yummmmmmmmmmmm #
- Yay! I have our old XP desktop running as a wireless router to connect my CCNA lab in the garage to my regular network. http://bit.ly/xprt #
- RT: @scifri: Lyrid meteor shower this week – peak viewing predicted for 2 to 3 hrs before dawn on Wed the 22nd. http://is.gd/twvv #
- Back from Walnut Creek with Mat, Becca, E and the dogs. Nice night. #
- Otherthings-HowToMakeABaby568.flv (video/x-flv Object) http://bit.ly/NrzTA
I think our way was more fun, but messier. # - Happy Birthday John Muir. Thanks for the National Parks! http://bit.ly/gTAXN #
- Can’t wait to make these for the kids when they get home. Insert dried spaghetti into hot dogs, boil – Boing Boing… http://bit.ly/ryNYV #
- Good Question. What if you kill ‘em with a big chunk of concrete? Bible say anything about that? – http://bit.ly/RcY7I #
- HomeDepot ad: “bringing you locally selected plants” as opposed to locally grown. Ordered locally, shipped clear across the country. #
- just walking redmond thru the park. nice at night. http://is.gd/tMjY #
- RT @scifri: like hulu that won’t rot your brain.”impressed by new PBS full-length video portal: http://www.pbs.org/video …” #
- Dog days of August are here. Just shy of 100 today. Oh, wait. It’s only april. #
- Family is home. Better than Christmas! #
- 3am and the kids are still awake. Now it’s like Christmas if all your presents started screaming mommy! daddy! #
- Ammunition Shortage Hitting Central Texas:http://bit.ly/NkqTa – Does that mean I’m the only one not stockpiling guns and ammo? Uh, oh. #
- if W says “yuck” at dinner J won’t eat either. Even if they have different things to eat . Aargh! #
Tags: twitter
- The bunny has come and gone. Eggs are in the yard. Raining. Kids asleep still. #
- Wesley has been calling Marshmallow Peeps “Chickadees” for two days now. I hope he never stops. #
- just found out my mom is getting married to dave, @reygnbull. congrats you guys! #
- Don’t let Texas decide what your kids learn about science. We barely recycle. We be ignorant: scifri npr stream http://bit.ly/2eg7CG #
- RT @scifri Astronaut Don Pettit is awesome. Want to be more like him mp3 intrvw http://bit.ly/2gOVQU vid of experiments http://bit.ly/zygQI #
- Family is in #
- That would be…Family is in Dallas getting ready to board. Good luck Amber. I love you guys! #
- Family safe in NW. Miss them already. Amber left me treats for each day. She is awesome. #
- never had a dog that burped before. redmond does. better than the alternative #
- Cook’s Illustrated Special Offer http://bit.ly/12B9T Magazine subscription only $12/year (one year only) Good deal. Great magazine. #
- Too much crate time for Redmond today. 4 mile run and still bouncing around like a rubber ball. He is driving me nutty. #
- RT @codinghorror: rt @secretgeek http://3mindme.com/ is a brilliant service – email it when & what you want a reminder of and it emails you #
- Woke up to simultaneous lighting and thunder so bright and loud it felt like it was in the bedroom. Now crazy amounts of rain. #
Tags: twitter
Dyeing Easter eggs this year was such a blast. I spread out a twelve foot wide swath of painter’s plastic on the floor (to save what is left of the carpet under the table) and Amber prepared those little tablets in cups of vinegar and water. As I photographed, Amber was like an orchestra conductor moving cups of color in and out of the reach of each kid, speeding them up, slowing them down, and generally controlling chaos. It was impressive to see her in action.
Once the eggs were all dyed Wesley got really into mixing the colors and redyeing some of the eggs. I thought they were all going to end up brown.
At the very end the kids each got to, as Wesley says, “hatch” an egg.
Start to finish: 35 eggs (I ate one, sorry…) in 14 minutes.
You can see all of our Easter Egg Dyeing photos here: Easter Egg Dyeing 2009