Joshua on March 21st, 2009

Jillian has quite a bit of hair.  It just doesn’t look like it most of the time.  It has a magical ability to stick to her head, to curl around in the back in such a way as to not gain any volume at all and to make her look just this side of bald.  Only now are we nearing the critical mass stage where her hair has no place to go but out. This will be a good thing as she still gets mistaken for a little boy sometimes.

As a bit of a glimpse of hair to come I present you with these photos from Jillian on the slide.






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Amber on March 17th, 2009

Have a Great Green day!


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Joshua on March 7th, 2009

Jillian fell asleep about half way through our first walk around the block with Redmond.  We managed to get home, talk to the neighbors for 5 minutes, open the garage door, close the garage door and take these photos before she finally woke up several minutes later.  20090301_img_5616

She kept shifting left/right and front/back.  I’m glad she insists on wearing her helmet even in her little pink pushcar.




Amber on March 2nd, 2009
Our new puppy.

Our new puppy.

On Saturday we drove to Brenham, Texas to pick up our new 3-4 month old puppy.

He is a great listener  and we think he is really trainable!

Having a puppy in the house is a bit stressful, but he really is a great dog – and we are lucky to have him.