Yesterday I felt like we were living in Seattle again. It was drizzling and raining all morning long. I said to myself – this can not mess up my plans with the kids today, if I were in Seattle – the rain would not stop me!
So there we were trying to find a place to park around the Capital building. Yesterday was their Pre-K day at the Capital. I was bit confused about the whole thing (and after attending, I am still confused) – but when I found out that characters from PBS cartoons would be there, I wanted to take Wesley.
He was very excited! He kept telling me in the car that it was OK that there was rain – we could use an umbrella. Then I told him that I don’t know where they are and that they are in the box with the missing hats, gloves and scarves. I found a spot really close to the capital and when we got out it was barely drizzling. We were then on a mission to find Clifford and Super Why.
There were a ton of kids inside the capital building! It was hard to move around. Wesley held my hand and stayed very close to me and I had Jillian in the Ergo. We made our way through the building and to the elevators. Then we found both Clifford and Super Why. But the kids would not go near them!
Jillian enjoyed pointing and panting like a dog and Wesley just watched them both real carefully.
Then we ended up down where Clifford and Super Why were meeting with the legislators. There were no kids around – just us! Wesley was feeling much better about them.
Wesley really loves Super Why. His catch phrase is “Hip Hip Hooray” after they finish their story. Wesley will often say Hip Hip Hooray after he is done with something too, it is super cute!

He told me that Clifford was talking - but not to him.

Clifford seems much bigger on TV...
Then we went and wandered around the capital building. The kids loved all the people, stairs and windows.

He wanted to climb everything.


Being goofy
The kids were ready to get outside. They ran around the grass getting wet and muddy. Wesley did not want to part with the super long stick he found.

She looks so tiny with the Capital in the background.

I think he was trying to fight the man on the horse.
It was a fun time. I am glad that I got out into the wet weather. Wesley now really likes the pointy building and I think he will forever point it out when we drive by.

Tags: Austin, Austin Capital, Clifford, Jillian, Super Why, Wesley
It was a sad day in the Hunter household yesterday. I received an email from Costco explaining that “Due to the overwhelming response for this item, the delivery timeframe has been extended on your order”. So now instead of 10-15 days it could be 15-20.
If there is anything I like more than having to wait even longer for the bed to arrive it is finding out I’m just like everyone else. Apparently just about everyone is buying this bed. How mainstream.
After many years of sleeping on a mattress we hate we finally broke down and bought another one using some of our tax return. We’re doing our part to stimulate the economy. Our old mattress wasn’t cheap, but it did suck. And continues to suck in new ways all the time. First it was too firm and caused my arms to fall asleep. That lasted about 6 months. Then for about 2 months it was actually somewhat comfortable. And then it started to form pits where Amber and I sleep. They have gotten so pronounced that we both tend roll toward the outside of the bed. Basically we hate it.
So we ordered a new bed from Costco. It was a good deal and the best part is that it I can return it whenever I feel like it. Heck, they’ll actually come pick it up if we need them to. It is an Infinite Comfort Memory Foam Sleep System. For those of you who don’t know that means Sleep Number Bed knock off. It is of the type that you can adjust the firmness on each side of the bed with little remote controls. I can honestly say I never thought I’d own a bed that required electricity to operate. We’ll see. Hopefully it is comfortable, else back it goes.
The trouble now is that the thing has not arrived. Heck it hasn’t even shipped yet. And I know that shouldn’t be a real surprised. We ordered it on January 30th and it says to expect 10-15 business days for delivery. So we passed right on by 10 days and of course Monday (President’s Day) doesn’t count so 15 business days might not be until February 23rd. But I have to admit I thought “It’s Costco. They are just being conservative. It’ll show up in a week.” And so my body decided to wait. For several nights I basically didn’t sleep at all. It was as if my body decided that it had had enough and was not going to take this old bed any more. Now I’ve returned to my normal lousy sleep, but at least I am getting some (When the kids allow. Jillian, I’m looking at you, miss 5 am this morning).
In my impatience for the bed to arrive I’ve taken to checking several times a day eagerly looking forward to seeing the tracking number that will tell me when our bed will finally show up. Akin to the way some people press the elevator button a thousand times or continuously press the button for the cross walk I’ve decided that Costco ships their beds based on how badly someone wants it. So I keep checking their site, many times a day, letting them know I want it more than anyone. If I click that “Order status” button often enough I’m sure I can get it to ship.
Apparently when the thing does arrive we’ll have to assemble it. It comes in a box and you have to put together all the pieces and of course inflate the air bladders that allow it to adjust in firmness. I’ll post some pictures of that when it finally happens (If I can be bothered to get out of bed to use the computer).