This is a little video I put together using the stills I shot for Amber’s Valentine’s Day card. It has been a long tradition (since it was new and unusual) to have a card made at and mailed to her. I shot these in our backyard using our tripod, the remote for the camera, and a soccer ball shaped LED flashlight my mom got me (back when LEDs were new and unusual). The shutter was open between 6 and 10 seconds for each shot as I drew the shapes.
Tags: Valentine's Day

Look at all that hair!
Lila June Myers was born on February 9th at 11:25pm. She was 8 pounds 6 ounces & 20 1/4 inches long. Becca and Mat are looking forward to taking her home tomorrow.
Amber, Wesley and Jillian got to visit Lila at the hospital this morning.

Getting her temp taken
Becca and Mat were both beaming this morning! They are glad to finally have Lila June to hold in their arms. Mommy's arms.

Proud Daddy
We can not wait to watch her grow!
Happy Birthday Lila.