It was only 79 degrees today! That is in Fahrenheit people, this was fabulous! We had a low in the upper 50s! We opened our windows! We went outside and didn’t sweat profusely! We didn’t run the A/C at all today! Amber said it was 73 degrees in the house this morning! 73!
I know that is a lot of exclamation points, but this is a big deal. It felt so nice. The last time we had a day with a lower high (funny sounding isn’t it?) was May 12th. And the last time we had a low below 60 was May 4th. This is a little gift from late October early November. This “cold” front (more of a pleasant front if you ask me) is expected to keep us in the low 80s through the rest of the week.
So happy birthday Dave! Today we are almost as cool as you.
This is what happens when you post pictures of your daughter at the cardiologist on Flickr and then don’t get around to writing about like you thought you would: Everybody and their mother assumes the worst.
Jillian has an innocent murmur. Basically that means it is small, harmless, and actually pretty common. Our doctor recommended we see a specialist mostly because of her size. The murmur (basically a leak between parts of the heart) won’t affect her in any way.
Here she is getting an EKG. She did pretty well except she wanted to pull off one of the tabs:
Here she is getting her blood pressure taken with the world’s tiniest sphygmomanometer:
What we don’t have any photos of is the 30-40 minute long ultrasound session. She had to sit very, very still for a very long time. It went better than I would have expected. Wesley would have jumped off the table, run down the hall, and hopped in the elevator after 5 minutes.
All told we were there for about 90 minutes. The result: You have a beautiful, active, baby with a common innocent murmur. It isn’t affecting her size. Next, we are off the to nutritionist. Who will probably say the same thing when we tell them she eats as much food as Wesley and often more.
Tags: cardiologist, Jillian, murmur
Wesley and I shared dessert a couple of days ago. I got us each three Oreo cookies and then we split a glass of milk with a wide opening perfect for dipping. He crammed the first cookie into his mouth and then watched me like I was a mad man as I dipped my first Oreo into the milk and then ate it. Of course he followed suit. Then I showed him the twist, which he thought was the best thing ever. On his third cookie he almost shoved it in his mouth, but stopped. Carefully twisted it apart, ate out the cream. Thought for a minute and then put the pieces back together and dunked them in the milk. He very carefully copied me exactly.
I hope I never forget that. He sees everything, hears everything, and wants to emulate everything we do. He’ll copy my generosity, my honesty, my deceit and my anger. I need to be more aware and live my life the way I want him to live his.