Wesley has long been addicted to his pacifier. Even as a very small baby he slept with many in his crib. He could only self sooth so long as he could find one of his pacifiers. During the early months I would often find myself in his room, in the pitch dark on hands and knees sweeping my hands across the floor trying to find a lost pacifier. I’d give him the first one and he’d calm down pretty quickly. Then I’d keep looking for the rest of them and place at least one in each hand.
It was only a few months ago that we got down to just one pacifier. He calls them “wawas”. I’m not sure where he got that name, I think he came up with it all on his own. I always tried very hard to always call them pacifiers, not binkies or lovies or any other pet name. I had a plan you see. We hooked small stuffed keychains (a dog, Poochy; a pink bunny, Pinky, and a cat, Kitty) to his pacifiers. We referred to them that way as in “Where is Poochy”. My thinking was that he would grow attached to the toys, not the pacifier. Then when it was time to transition we would remove the pacifiers and he’d still have his security objects, Poochie, Pinky and Kitty to help him get to sleep. No such luck.
So being the resourceful parent I am, and not at all above bribery I hatched another plan. A few weeks ago I told Wesley that when he was ready he could take his pacifiers to the store and use them to buy a new toy. He of course wanted to leave immediately, but he still wasn’t really ready to give up the wawas. After a few false starts he managed to go two full nights and one full day (naptime) without needing his pacifier. So off to the toystore we went. First we went to TerraToys which is really cool, but not if you are two. This store has lots of nice toys, but most are meant for an older crowd, maybe five and up. He really just wanted the fishtank which fortunately wasn’t for sale. Toys R Us it was. After a few close calls with Diego toys we ended up with a nice sealife playset with a boat, submarine and numerous, not-to-scale sea critters.
The first night was pretty rough. He woke up a number of times (some due to thunder) and needed to be loved. Last night was better. Hopefully this will stick.
It was a very hard decision to take away his pacifiers. They are so important to him and clearly the most soothing thing in his life aside from Amber or I. We didn’t do it to be mean, but really for his good, I hope. He did seem very proud of himself that he was a “big boy” and that he didn’t need pacifiers any more. But mostly we were worried about his teeth. He has a hard time getting his front teeth to touch and this can be caused by using a pacifier too much. We really notice when he tries to bite the end off of things like a piece of licorice which he can only do by using his back teeth. The pacifier isn’t his only problem, he also has huge canines like I do, but it wasn’t helping. And I hope it will help him sleep better. When he can’t find his pacifier he can’t get back to sleep and will moan until we help him locate it. Those are the rationalizations I use to help me assuage my guilt. It is always hard to do anything that doesn’t make your child feel immediately happy and this is definitely stressful for him and for us.
We had Jillian’s 1st Birthday party this past Sunday. Lots of kids and lots of parents were there to help us celebrate her first year. She arrived to the party late – she over slept. But once she joined her friends she enjoyed every minute.
She had her first juice box. It was apple juice and she LOVED it. So it being her birthday and all, she got this second one. She carried it around all over and would not let it go.
The kids and the adults had a great time jumping in the bouncy castle, playing in the sandbox and making bubble snakes at the water table.
Jillian got lots of help opening her gifts. But once they were opened, she liked to keep them in one big pile on Amber’s lap – so they would all be close to her.
Next was cake time. Here we are singing her Happy Birthday.
She enjoyed the yummy cake.
And the ice cream too
We all had a nice time. It was great to hang out with our friends, but we really missed all of our family. We thought about you the whole day. Hopefully next year we will be able to celebrate with family.
We can’t wait to see what Jillian does in this next year. She makes us laugh everyday. And we hope seeing her puts a smile on your face too.
Happy Birthday Jillian!
Jillian had her 1 year check up.
Length: 26 inches (Bellow 5%tile)
Weight: 16 pounds 5 ounces (Bellow 5%tile)
Head Circumference: 43.8cm (10-15%tile)
But she is doing great with her development. She is as active as a 15 month old.
We love our little bundle of joy. It is sweet that we can still say that
Tags: Jillian
Each of the pictures was taken on or around the 13th of each month.
It is so great to see her grow over the past year.
Happy 1st Birthday Jillian Rose.
Tags: Jillian