It is amazing how quickly babies change. This weekend we entered one of my favorite stages with Jillian. She has started being awake and not screaming for periods lasting more than 30 seconds or so. Before it was actually pretty accurate to say she was either screaming or sleeping with nothing in between. It is so much fun to spend time with her when she is awake, looking around, making little cooing sounds and smiling. She is so much fun right now.
That isn’t to say that the screaming is all gone. She hates, hates, hates the car. Hates the car with a passion. With Wesley we drove around in the middle of the night just to get him to sleep even a little bit. Jillian screams constantly. We haven’t gone on any long drives, but I can attest she will not fall asleep or scream herself out while driving stop and go in traffic on I35 for forty minutes. The one major bonus of her screaming? It drives Wesley crazy. You can see the tension on his face. He can’t handle it and ends up screaming too. So now we have two kids screaming in misery in the back seat. It has really sucked the fun out of driving.
Wow! I’ve written used some variation of the word “scream” 8 times in this post, well 9 times counting that last one.
Today we had the lowest humidity Austin has seen since one day in the middle of April. The average humidity today was 42 percent. That felt so good. I ran and the sweat, get this, evaporated off of me. I know. I know. Crazy, huh? It was still 88 F, but felt so much better than yesterday when the average humidity was 63% and a completely different experience from Tuesday when it was 86%.
Now if we could just get into the 70′s we’d be set. Maybe some rain too.
Wesley calls me at work once or twice a day. Usually I get a “Hi Dada” and I ask him questions which are always answered with “Yeah, Uh hum”, “geese”, “walk”, or “mama”. But the other day I got a call from Wesley that almost broke my heart. I answer the phone and hear “Home. Home. Dada home.” Then a big kissing sound and some unclear but sad sounding noises. Wesley wanted me to come home from work badly enough that he got Amber to call me. It made me feel really terrible. What is worse is that Amber says he frequently picks up his cell phone (no service) and says the same thing. Sometimes a couple of times a day. I miss him too and I really wish I could be home. But if I was to stay home full time, home would have to be a cardboard box by the railroad tracks. He’s the reason I go into work early, usually getting in around 6:30am so that I can be home early enough to spend some time with him. I can’t imagine going in at 8 or 9 and not getting home until 6pm. He’s in bed by 7. I’d miss his whole life. Now I get to see him for about 3 hours each evening.
I used to think it was funny that my mom packed Dave’s lunch for him. Seemed a little silly to be honest. But since we’ve moved to Austin Amber has been packing my lunch after dinner. I always take leftovers and I used to pack them up in the wee hours of the morning. It only takes her a few minutes to pack it up for me, but makes my morning so much easier. I smile each and every morning when I see it. Thank you sweetheart for all of the wonderful things you do that make my life better.