
Amber on December 14th, 2010

On Sunday Adrianne came over and we decorated our tree. Joshua of course put up the snowman topper. Wesley and Jillian did most of the decorating, but we each took turns helping the kids put ornaments up on the higher branches. And then we were done… I wanted to try to get a family photo […]

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Amber on December 14th, 2010

On Saturday we met Mom and Dave and the kids at Big Lake Trees.  Luckily Joshua follows the best weather blog and we timed it so we did not get caught in the rain.  Thank you Cliff Mass! We knew we wanted a noble fir – so we drove up to their upper lot.  They […]

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Amber on September 13th, 2010

Today was Wesley ‘s first day of preschool.  He picked out his own outfit the night before and was so excited to get dressed this morning. We took a few pictures before we left. We left on time.  I was very proud of myself for that.  We made the 4 minute drive to his school. […]

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Amber on August 13th, 2010

When anyone would ask when her birthday was, she would say: “13th of August”. Happy 3rd Birthday Jillian. You are such a happy and outgoing sweet girl.  The past 3 years have been so wonderful. And as Jillian would say: “Me am 3!”  

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