
Joshua on July 29th, 2010

This last weekend we headed down to the Meadowdale Highschool track. Wesley, you see, has been wanting to try learning to ride his bike without his training wheels. Since I got a bike on Friday, he couldn’t wait any longer. The track is just a few blocks from our house and made for a nice, […]

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Joshua on July 10th, 2010

The last time we got to see Ryley on a regular basis he looked like this (seen here smashing ice): Well he sure has grown up! We were lucky enough to have him come visit and spend the night. We hardly ever get to see him because he (and the rest of his family of […]

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Amber on July 5th, 2010

Is much colder than it is in Texas!!!  It was in the 50′s for the whole day.  We were lucky here in the Lynnwood/Edmonds area – no rain!  Not everyone was so lucky. Until 4pm – we did nothing.  It was a nice and relaxing day. Then we went out and did a couple of […]

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Joshua on June 19th, 2010

Living in Texas one of the things we missed most about living in Seattle was the Fremont Summer Solstice Parade. We’d gone many times in the past and always had a great time. Now that we are back we made sure to go this year. The parade is a little different than most. They have a […]

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