
Amber on December 8th, 2008

After dinner on Saturday 12/6 we walked down to the Wells Branch Homestead for their annual visit of Santa and luminaries.  The trails around Katherine Fleischer Park are lit up with hundreds of beautiful luminaries. Santa was visiting from 6-9.  We got there right at 6.  Good thing, because this Santa was a talker!  He […]

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Amber on November 27th, 2008


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Joshua on November 10th, 2008

Despite baking bread and making homemade stew I couldn’t make it feel like Fall.  I even toyed around with the idea of lighting a fire in the fireplace, but decided that if I did the air conditioner would be sure to kick on.  So instead of Fall we are still enjoying Northwest summer, with highs […]

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Amber on November 3rd, 2008

With Grams (my mom) being in town, we had a very busy day planned.  So once Jillian woke up from her morning nap we were off to music class.Of course we made their costumes this year.  Joshua is very sweet about it.  He does an amazing job with the costumes.  He has such an amazing […]

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