
Amber on August 17th, 2011

Jillian LOVES  Hello Kitty!  So we had a fun Hello Kitty Party.     Happy Birthday Jillian.  You are one lucky girl. And thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us.  Jillian has been talking non-stop about her “Special Day” and how much she loved it!  

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Amber on August 17th, 2011

Saturday August 13th Jillian turned 4!  It is amazing how quickly the time has gone and how much she has grown. At her 4 year old well check she was: 36.5 inches (3rd percentile) 32.5 pounds (25th percentile)       I can’t wait to see what your 5th year has in store for you. […]

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Amber on August 11th, 2011

We got to visit Ashley’s good friend Crystal to ride her horses.  The kids had such a great time.  Wesley had a smile on his face the entire time!   Ashley and Crystal lead the kids around the yard in a circle for about 15 minutes. While Ashley and Crystal were taking care of the […]

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Amber on June 30th, 2011

And how did we spend it?? You might think outside doing something in the nice weather… No.  Today it is a cloudy, rainy and cool 62.  We made the most of the weather. I made the kids a cool fort: While they played in the fort – I cleaned the house. Well, at least the […]

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