
Joshua on March 23rd, 2011

On Tuesday I took the morning off and chaperoned Wesley’s class on their field trip on a Washington State Ferry from Edmonds to Kingston and back.  Amber was supposed to come, too, but she was sick and so it was just Wesley, Jillian and I.  The class met up at the park at the ferry […]

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Amber on March 17th, 2011

We are!  

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Amber on February 25th, 2011

The kids love to do “experiments” in the kitchen.  They love to mix kitchen ingredients together and see what it looks like when they are done.  Usually things like ketchup, flour, salt, honey & oatmeal are mixed together for their experiments.  Yesterday they wanted to do it again.  But I hate it.  I don’t let […]

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Amber on February 22nd, 2011

Right now it is snowing.  As soon as Jillian saw it, she asked me “can I go and catch snow on my tongue?”  How could I say no to that… She was starting to get cold and Wesley wanted to join in on the fun. Then they were both running and catching the snow. It […]

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