We went to Heartsong today. Heartsong is a singing program (franchise) that our friend Becca has been teaching at. Amber, Jillian and Wesley have been going every Tuesday morning for the last few weeks and having a good time. Jillian has a great time. Wesley has a good time, but seems a little overwhelmed by […]
Don’t believe me? Ye of little faith. Here is all the proof you need. We are out in the backyard playing frisbee. Rather than throw directly to me he would throw the frisbee to an empty place in the yard. A few seconds later I would be standing there picking up the frisbee. It was […]
Jillian has been getting around in a slightly unorthodox style. Of course being slightly unorthodox is Jillian’s style. When he saw we were taking a video Wesley had to get in on it too.
Last night we went to dinner at Chris and Tiah’s house. Mat and Becca were there too. We shot some hoops, played with the kids and basically just hung out and had a good time. We got home late, but the kids got up just as early as usual despite losing two hours of sleep. […]