I feel sorry and guilty for what we are about to do to Wesley. He has this little world we have created for him and that he was learned to thrive in and now we are about to make it very, very different. When this new baby arrives it is going to shake him to […]
Some extremely sage advice from Dave Barry: “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.”
Continue reading about Leap. Just leap and worry about it later.
We (Amber and I, Becca was kind enough to watch Wesley) went to the OB today. Another long wait…sure do miss Gina LaGalbo in Seattle. Amber is now 5cm. I think the doc is finally catching on. She didn’t push any interventions this time. Just said that next week we’ll have to talk. We are […]
20070801_IMG_8469 Originally uploaded by Joshua & Amber For the second day in a row we decided to go to the pool. As soon as Amber pulls out the sunscreen Wesley starts chanting “POOL! POOL! POOL!”. He learns fast. Use sunscreen get to go swimming. He his eager to help get that stuff on so he […]