Scary article about some recent research regarding food preferences and how they are affected by advertising. Some excerpts are below. The jist: Don’t let your kids watch much if any TV. Check out this link for some great no-tv resources: “McFood” Better Than Food, Kids Say, Preschoolers Say Carrots Better When Served From McDonalds […]
Nothing happening with the whole second child thing. We’ll keep you informed and flooded with pictures once available. In the meantime why not look at some super cute pictures of the baby’s big brother.
So let me start by saying that I totally don’t get this whole CEO thing. They get paid big, big bucks and frequently don’t do anything. I’m not a believer that the one person at the top makes that much difference. Hopefully it won’t for Chrysler. In there wisdom Cerberus, Chrysler’s new owner, appointed the […]
Today I mostly just hung out with Wesley. We spent a lot of time drawing on the driveway with chalk. That is probably his number one pastime. He doesn’t do much drawing himself, although he does like to break the chalk in half. Mostly he dictates what should be drawn. In our driveway right now […]