Today Jillian is 10 months. Little baby Jillian is really all gone now and sweet toddler Jillian has emerged.

Today she started saying NO. She shakes her head and pulls her fists in close to her body.

She also is doing an amazing job with her walking, cruising and standing. Today I stood her up after a diaper change and she then took 3 steps to the chair all on her own. I tried to get her to do it again, but she was too excited and happy to focus.

And she is eating a TON! She must be growing because she is eating as much as Wesley. She is also trying to cut 2 of her bottom teeth right now – so she has been sleeping very poorly. Hopefully they will cut though soon and give us all a break.

It is so great to watch her grow and learn. I wonder what she will learn/do tomorrow.

This is the chair that she took those 3 steps to.

10 months

This afternoon we took the kids to the Austin Children’s Museum. Here is Jillian in the toddler area.

And here she is having fun with Mom and Dad.



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