I love this age.  Jillian is probably at my favorite age (so far).  So much new is going on.  They start communicating in about a thousand ways.  And their personalities really start to blossom.

The fact that Jillian is passing gas is nothing new.  I even wrote about it here.  What is new is that she now notices.  She stops what she is doing and giggles (or laughs or smiles or sort of snickers)  She almost always looks to Amber or I and we all laugh.  Usually she has a little laugh that is sort of a “ssss” sound.  I think she gets that from me (the laugh and the gas).  Maybe that’s why I find it so darn cute.


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1 Comment on Giggly Gas

  1. Dave says:

    So now there is something else she shares with her Papa! I hope Yaya handles this better than she does with me! Between this and Wesley’s “poop” fascination, you’d think there was a blood connection here!

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