
The site, hundredpushups.com, has a simple concept.  It provides a plan for training just about anyone to go from being able to do just a few to being able to do 100 consecutive pushups.  The site uses a well known method of increasing and decreasing numbers of repetitions in a set.  You do pushups three days a week, some days doing more and some days doing a few less, but on average for the week you increase total numbers of pushups.  For example I do at least 152 total the first week and at least 740 the last week (not counting the final 100 pushup test).


Amber and I started the program this week as a way to mix up our usual workouts.  It provides an attainable goal and a little bit of a push without having to do any planning or thinking at all.  It is easy really.  You just start with the test, then use the results to figure out which of three plans you should follow.  Now do the exact number of pushup repetitions and sets the site says.  At the end of six weeks you go for it to see if you can reach 100 pushups without stopping.  I’ll let you know how it turns out in the end.

Other sites with similar, single fitness purpose:

Situps: twohundredsitups.com

Squats: twohundredsquats.com

Running: Couch-to-5K


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