This year Jillian’s birthday celebrations were spread out between 3 days. It just worked better that way.
On her actual birthday she opened gifts from Wesley, Aunt Ashley, the Myhrberg Family, Grams, Yaya and Papa, and us.
Wesley's gift to Jillian
Opening the very sweet card Wesley made for her.
He was really excited.
She loves the duckies he picked out for her!!!
The cool card from Aunt Ashley and Uncle Greg
Working very intently on the gift from the Myhrberg Family
Thank you for the horse and rider!
Then I went to check the mail and Jillian got a box from Grams in the mail:
Wesley got something too. He was very excited!
Opening a gift from Grams
She was having trouble and did not want help - then she started using her teeth. She got it open and I don't think she ate any of the paper.
Once Joshua came home from work, Jillian opened her gifts from us and from Yaya and Papa:
We got her a bowling set - Wesley is helping her get it out of the package.
She also got from us some new underpants - these ones have ducks on them!
Then she opened her new baby doll from Yaya and Papa - here she is already taking such good care of her.
And here is the food for the baby - Yaya and Papa also send a diaper changing kit and a backpack for it to ride in.
Here she is - our big girl. Wearing the new backpack and baby and she is also wearing her new sparkly pink shoes - which she got from us too.
We finished off the evening by singing Happy Birthday to Jillian and ate some small treats I got from Whole Foods:
Not too sure about this...
Blowing out the candles.
Very proud of herself.
They will never look at the camera at the same time!
She finds the frosting in the middle of the cookie.
She thinks it's so yummy, she wants to share with Dad.
Happy 2nd Birthday Jillian Rose!