Is much colder than it is in Texas!!! It was in the 50′s for the whole day. We were lucky here in the Lynnwood/Edmonds area – no rain! Not everyone was so lucky.
Until 4pm – we did nothing. It was a nice and relaxing day.
Then we went out and did a couple of fireworks. Wesley and Jillian both shot off a gun, we did a couple of crackling balls and the tank.

Her gun really shot out the streamers.

Watching the tank.

It did not move...
Then we had several hours before we needed to leave to watch the big firework show in Edmonds. We did not bring our camera. But I did a search on Flickr and found George Bentley’s great photos from the show.
We did manage to get a family picture in before we left for the show. The kids thought it was cool that we were all wearing red shirts.

We got back from the fireworks show a little before 11pm. It was time to shoot off the fireworks that Aunt Dri picked out for the kids.

1st one.
Wesley and Jillian were so funny watching the fireworks. Their expressions are great!

They did a lot of running around in with excitement.

ground flower

They tried many different "views".

This is the last picture of Jillian happy.

Then she got cold and wanted to be done.

His excitement just grew with each firework!

Sparkler time.
All of the ones we shot off were very tame. None of them whisled or made very much noise. I guess the firework people knew what they were doing – Adrianne picked out a little backpack filled with fireworks for the kids – and they were very calm fireworks.
Then we had one last firework. It shot out the bottom and tipped over and started shooting at us. One hit Wesley in the leg and then a couple shot out at us. We all ran and got out of the way. Luckily Wesley was wearing pants. He was not hurt and is pants have a small singe on them. Wesley thought it was scary and cool at the same time. He kept saying how fast he was and got out of the way. It was pretty cute.

The one that caused all the problems.
Next year should be very fun. I can only imagine how excited Wesley will be next year. And maybe Jillian will try a sparkler too. This year she would not go near them.
Tags: 4th of July, Amber, Fireworks, Fourth of July, Holiday, Jillian, Joshua, Wesley
I love this!! Super fun! Aidan had a similar experience to Wesley, with the building excitement. Grace slept through it all in the ergo. The big kids were right in the mix with the Daddies!!