
Amber on August 21st, 2008

We had Jillian’s 1st Birthday party this past Sunday.  Lots of kids and lots of parents were there to help us celebrate her first year.  She arrived to the party late – she over slept.  But once she joined her friends she enjoyed every minute. She had her first juice box.  It was apple juice […]

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Amber on June 13th, 2008

Today Jillian is 10 months. Little baby Jillian is really all gone now and sweet toddler Jillian has emerged. Today she started saying NO. She shakes her head and pulls her fists in close to her body. She also is doing an amazing job with her walking, cruising and standing. Today I stood her up […]

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Amber on June 9th, 2008

I know you don’t like to celebrate your birthday – but to me it is a wonderful day. Here are just a few reason why: 29 years ago you were born. 18 years ago we finished the sixth grade together. 11 years ago we started dating. 5 years ago (almost) we were married. 3 years […]

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Joshua on May 19th, 2008

The current housing and credit problems in the United States are at one level, very complicated, but at another level come down to two basics human instincts: To make as much money as possible as quickly as possible (avarice) “they are doing it so we will too” (the lemming factor) By far the best explanation […]

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