I feel sorry and guilty for what we are about to do to Wesley. He has this little world we have created for him and that he was learned to thrive in and now we are about to make it very, very different. When this new baby arrives it is going to shake him to the core. Everything will be different. All the things he has come to count on as static and reliable are going to start to flex and flicker and might disappear all together.
He is such a creature of habit and thrives so well in his routines. I don’t know how he is going to handle all the changes. Big changes. Hopefully we can make this as smooth and easy as a terribly hard transition can be. I’ll try to make new routines and new rules he can count on. But it will be extremely hard for all of us for some time.
I’m sorry buddy. Some day (in 20 years or so) it will all be worth it. Hang in there and try to be nice to new baby.
Some extremely sage advice from Dave Barry:
“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember
that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built
the Titanic.”
We (Amber and I, Becca was kind enough to watch Wesley) went to the OB today. Another long wait…sure do miss Gina LaGalbo in Seattle. Amber is now 5cm. I think the doc is finally catching on. She didn’t push any interventions this time. Just said that next week we’ll have to talk. We are hoping that it won’t matter come next week, but we made another appointment anyway. Who knows with this kid, we thought we wer going to meet this baby 2 weeks ago.
This office has the longest waits ever. We’ve never actually left because of the wait (I have a history of doing this), but they are painfully long. 45 minutes is not unusual. Amber and I were joking about how being at the doctor is just like going to the DMV. So, what the heck after the appointment I did go to the DMV to get my license.
Got in line to fill out a form so I could get my number to get in the loooong line. I was number 277. Great, thats a nice number. Starts out well. Twos are always good (being the only even prime and all) then follows up with two lucky sevens. Unfortunately the folks at the DMV were only handling 224. My ticket (later to be found a liar) said my estimated wait time was ten minutes. The line did move okay, but in fits and spurts. I waited 50 minutes to get my turn.
All is well that ends well. A few minutes talking to Nora about the differences between Washington and Texas licenses. How weird we (those from WA) are. I thought it behooved me to just smile and nod. Now I just have to wait 4 weeks to get my official Texas Driver’s license. How is the photo? I don’t know. Unlike us weirdos from Washington, the temp license for Texas is just a piece of paper about 6 inches wide and 4 inches high with no photo. How do I prove it is actually mine? I don’t know. Hope not to have to find out.
In case you are wondering $24 for 6 years, plus another $15 for my motorcycle endorsement (I can dream, can’t I?).
Originally uploaded by Joshua & Amber
For the second day in a row we decided to go to the pool. As soon as Amber pulls out the sunscreen Wesley starts chanting “POOL! POOL! POOL!”. He learns fast. Use sunscreen get to go swimming. He his eager to help get that stuff on so he can get in the pool. By the time I get home he can hardly stand the wait. I can’t change into my suit fast enough for him and he constantly reminds me that we are going to the pool. He physically pushes me toward the door.
We’ve started going in the “big kids pool”. He really likes the deeper water where he can get a good float in. The kiddie pool is fun for splashing around and jumping in, but the deep pool lets him really swim. He likes it when you grab him under the arms and pull him across the water on his belly. He kicks his feet if you remind him and yells out “Kick, kick!” while doing it. Super cute if I do say so myself.
It has been fun having Amber come with us. She seems to really enjoy it to. Darn cute in her pregnant belly swimming suit. I’m sure the buoyancy feels good on her big old belly. We even found the toy we had lost yesterday. It was just floating in one of the overflow catches. So all in all, quite a fun afternoon.
Maybe it is Wesley’s enthusiasm or the fact that everything is new, but he makes associations with things so quickly that you have to really watch what you do and say. Just like using sunscreen means we are going swimming and talking to Ya Ya on the phone means Dum-Dums, any two items can become inseparably linked especially if one of them is new and fun.