Joshua on December 4th, 2009
  • Jillian waiting for the Chuy's parade to start. #Austin #
  • Elephant float at the Chuy's parade. #Austin #
  • Finally…All the latch-hooking for the stockings is done. 27hrs 17min. Now I just have to learn how to sew by hand. #
  • At urgent care with Wesley for a cut on the forehead. Maybe stitch(es) we'll see. #
  • Done with the doctor. Wesley got three stitches (and two pokes). He took it all like a champ. All is well. #
  • Wesley's stitches. Putting on a new bandage now. #
  • I love it when Redmond spots an animal and goes into his point. I'm less proud when he runs away in terror from the neighbor's cat. #
  • It is about 50F in Austin today, but judging by the way folks are dressed you'd probably guess 50 below. #
  • Amber is vacuuming the Christmas tree…I'm not sure how that makes me feel. #
  • The kids are decorating the hell out of the bottom foot of the tree. #
  • I just saw a small flock of parrots (or parakeets?) fly by my office window. 6 or 7 bright green birds. Probably not digging the "cold". #
  • Any bets on who gets bitten during Wesley's 4yr checkup? He really, really hates getting shots. Really. #
  • Wesley proudly displaying his pee in a cup. He also got 5 shots, nasal spray and blood drawn. Everyone is exhausted. #
  • I miss Amber already…and her plane hasn't even taken off yet. #
  • With Amber gone I'm apparently eating for two. I just finished of what I imagine was supposed to be several meals worth of macaroni&cheese. #
  • We got some lights up on the outside of the house, but more important we got lights up in the kids' room. #
  • While Amber is vacationing in WA, the kids are vacationing at Daddyland. Apparently NOT the "Happiest Place on Earth". #
  • Snowing in Austin. I'd take a photo but you'd never be able to see the 4 tiny flakes. schools out early on threat of snow. #
  • Wesley's stitches out. Leg swelling from vaccine unusual but not unheard of. Blood work came back as normal as can be expected for a Hunter. #
  • The kids have an honest to goodness real dog whose only skill is fetching. Yet they are playing "fetch" with each other. "no play redmond!" #


Joshua on November 30th, 2009

I’ve long been fascinated by photo mosaics (using small images to create a larger image), so I was pretty excited when I ran across PyMos. PyMos is a Python module that makes mosaics using both your choice of image and choice of tiny images to build it with. Just install it as you would any other module (detailed instructions on the PyMos website).


I use this little script (generate_mosaic_Pymos (1254)) to set my configuration choices and actually generate the mosaic. It made it easy to play with the settings and try lots of different combinations, but you could run it from the command line if you chose. Settings:

  • input_path: The path to the photo you want to recreate as a mosaic.
  • output_path: The path to where you want to save your photo mosaic.
  • collection_path: The path of a folder containing all your small photos.
  • zoom: How much larger than the “input_path” photo do you want your output. A photo that is 1000 x 500 pixels would end up as a mosaic of 2000 x 1000 pixels if you chose a zoom of 2.
  • thumb_size: How large do you want the small photos in the photo mosaic to be. The smaller the size the more “realistic” your overall mosaic will look, but the less detail you’ll get in each individual square. I find 75 works well for me.
  • fuzz: The larger the fuzz, the more variation you’ll have in your mosaic. It lets the program pick a less perfect color match so that you don’t end up with swaths of identical photos in areas of the mosaic that are made up of one color.
  • new_colormap: If you add or remove any photos in the “collection_path” you’ll need to set this to “True” so a new color map is generated. Otherwise it will fail if it tries to use a photo you’ve deleted or simply ignore any new photos that might be a better match.

The question is, Where do you get all those little square photos? For me the answer is Flickr. When you upload a photo to Flickr they automatically generate a bunch of different sizes of your photo for you automatically. One of those is a 75x75pixel square thumbnail that they use as part of their navigation scheme, but you can download and use however you like.  You could use PIL or some other method to create your own square images, but since all of our photos are tagged on Flickr I figured I could simply query our photos on Flickr for any tag or text I liked.  I searched online for a client to download square photos matching a given tag, but couldn’t find anything pre-built. So I reused some of the code from my Flickr Metadata Downloader and wrote a script to download what I needed (flickr_download_squares (1100)).  Just download and enter in your Flickr API info. For more details see the Flickr Metadata Downloader post.

Since I started this near Wesley’s birthday he was my first choice of subject. A quick query on Flickr showed more than 18,000 photos tagged “wesley”. That is probably more than I really needed so I decided to grab only every 10th photo. Once they were downloaded which didn’t take as long as I’d thought because they are so small (each 75 pixel square photo is about 5KB)  I reviewed them all to make sure you could really see Wesley and that none of them were too embarrassing and then set to work making the mosaic. I just ran he generate_mosaic_PyMos script I detailed above and after a few minutes got something like this:

Click for a much larger view

Overall Mosaic (click for larger view)

Zoomed in a bit

Zoomed in a bit

Individual photos that make up the mosaic

Individual photos that make up the mosaic

The image files that are created are rather large.  In my practice they have been between 60mb and 120mb.  Too big to be of much use except for making prints. Too big in fact to upload even to Flickr (they have a 20mb limit). I also learned that having variation in color and lighting is important. The more uniform your photo the fewer small photos will be combined to create it. This makes sense as each small photo is converted to an average color. Whichever photo has the closest average color for a given area will get used. If the area is the same color (like the wall above) the same photo is likely to be used over and over and over. To get more variation increase the “fuzz”, which I should have done with the mosaic above.

And another…



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Joshua on November 27th, 2009
  • Everyone watching Wesley open his presents. #
  • Amber throws the best damn penguin themed 4th birthday party known to man. Thank you Amber. I love all that you are and do! #
  • Working on a photo project in Python. Downloading/viewing 1800 pictures of Wesley. Impossible to be productive. He is too cute! #
  • Backseat on the way to Walnut creek. #Austin #
  • Vultures at Walnut creek park. Seen probably 40 or 50 so far. #
  • Probably the most important book I've never read cover-to-cover. Darwin's The Origin of Species 150yrs old today: #
  • Only a couple of days until its not creepy to be blasting Christmas music 24×7: 8 Sites for Free Christmas Music Online #
  • So many birds it is creepy. This is a small fraction. Everywhere. #
  • Playing Wesley's new Hungry Hungry Hippos. A billion times louder than I remember and 8 times less fun. #
  • No traffic. Parking lot empty. I guess a lot of people are making it a 5 day weekend. #
  • As president I believe robotics can inspire young people… And I also want to keep an eye on those robots in case they try anything – Obama #
  • Just picked up our smoked turkey from Rudy's. Just heat and eat. #Austin #thanksgiving #
  • Happy Birthday to the 1 in 365.25 people on Earth who are lucky enough to share it with Wesley. Happy 4th Birthday Wesley! #
  • In honor of Adrianne, jellied cranberries right out of the can. Wesley approves. #
  • My sincerest thanks to farmers the world over. What an amazing bounty we have at our disposal. #
  • The kids are fighting over who misses mommy the most. She left for the store an hour ago. That 4 day trip ought to be awesome. #
  • I just learned that when Jillian asks for her "penis" cup she means her "experiment" cup which is in fact a Disney princess cup w/ snowglobe #
  • Do a lot of people go to Target while drinking? It isn't Walmart after all. #


Amber on November 26th, 2009

Your 4th year.

You have grown up so much in the past year.  It is hard to believe that you are 4 already.  Time goes by so quickly!

I love to look at these old birthday photo collages, it really helps me remember you as a little one.

Your 3rd year.

Your 2nd year.

Your 1st year.

Your 1st year.

I love you so much Wesley Buckley Hunter!  I am looking forward to your 5th year already…