Amber on November 25th, 2009

Today I moved the kids into one room.

We made Wesley’s old room into the “sleeping” room.  I was calling it this to the kids, because it was a bit confusing for them.

Jillian and Wesley were pretty excited about all the changes.  They helped me take down the crib.  It is hard to believe we used it for 4 years!

View from the door.

View from the door.

Jillian Bed

Jillian Bed

We will have Jillian on the floor for a while, so she can get used to not sleeping in her crib.

Wesley's Bed

Wesley's Bed

Window with big basket of blankets... we don't really need them too much here!

Window with big basket of blankets... we don't really need them too much here!

Sharing the closet space.

Sharing the closet space.

Then I turned Jillian’s room into the “play” room.

View from the door.

View from the door.

Game table and train table.

Game table and train table.

Toy bins, books and blocks.

Toy bins, books and blocks.

Doll house.

Doll house.

And now with all the shelves in this room, we have a ton of room for our games!


I am very hopeful that the kids will do well in one room.  It will make our bedtime routine so much easier.  It will take a couple of weeks for it to really sink in – but should be worth it!!

Joshua on November 23rd, 2009

This Sunday after being cooped up inside for a few days because of rain we had to get Redmond outside to burn off some energy. The best place to do that near our house is Walnut Creek Park.  Redmond ran and played with a few other dogs and we hiked around.  And well, let’s just say the park hadn’t quite dried up yet.

At first we just trudged through some mud and didn’t get too wet or dirty.

Check out the mud caked to her shoes.

Check out the mud caked to her shoes.

What is Jillian pointing at? Vultures. Lots of vultures.

What is Jillian pointing at? Vultures. Lots of vultures.

We saw at least 50 vultures on two towers.

We saw at least 50 vultures on two towers.

We were staying pretty dry until we crossed the creek. Because of the rainfall the creek was running higher than usual.  The only thing to do? Fall in of course.

Wes fell in a hole and got really wet.

Wes fell in a hole and got really wet.

Once you get wet you might as well get muddy.  Really, really, really muddy.

This was just the start.

This was just the start.

Time lapse of the kids in the big mud puddle.

We had a fabulous time. We stripped the kids naked before they got in the car and had to tie Redmond in the back of the wagon to keep his muddy self off the seats.  I hope it is muddy next time we go.  A lot better than the trips in the 100F+ temp this Summer.


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Amber on November 22nd, 2009

On Saturday we celebrated Wesley’s 4th birthday with a lot of his friends.  He wanted everything to be penguin!

So excited for his Baby Penguin cake!

Sitting with his Baby Penguin cake!

The goodie bags.

The goodie bags.

The craft is all ready to go.

The craft is all ready to go.

Playing downstairs.

Playing downstairs.

Playing upstairs.

Playing upstairs.

Putting together the penguin craft.

Putting together the penguin craft.

Penguins on their icebergs.

The completed penguins on their icebergs.

Cake time!!

Cake time!!

Blowing out the candles.

Blowing out the candles.

Yummy cake.

Yummy cake.

Ice cream too.

and ice cream too.

The blue frosting looked good on the kids!

The blue frosting looked good on the kids!

Watching Wesley open his gifts.

Watching Wesley open his gifts.

In his penguin costume from us.

In his penguin costume from us.

Thank you EVERYONE for celebrating Wesley!!

Thank you EVERYONE for celebrating Wesley!!

Joshua on November 20th, 2009
  • Wesley thought this "mattress dominoes" world record attempt video was so funny we watched it 4 times tonight. #
  • It's 1am Sunday morning. My RAID reconfigure is only 34% done. I started at 10pm. I don't like this math. Why do you all keep so much email? #
  • Amber up with J since 4a when she told her she wouldn't make oatmeal. A stuck to her guns (good). Me, I negotiate w/ terrorists. J = :) #
  • Baked a lot this weekend. A loaf of whole wheat with molasses, two pizzas, and two loaves of very yummy cinnamon raisin swirl. #
  • it is almost 730a and I am already drinking a Dr. Pepper, but it's okay because I've already been at work 3 hours. Problem solved though! #
  • How do you get down an escaped balloon with 16ft ceilings? With a leaf blower of course. #
  • Saints preseve me! I'm back at the Sprint store. #
  • Mountain Goats at Antone's in Austin tonight! $16 tix. Oh why did I procreate? #
  • Jillian in the shower with goggles. #
  • 2 hours of cuddling, 1 hour of screaming bloody murder and J is still awake. #
  • On our way to Phil's Ice House/Amy's for burgers and ice cream and a little playground time. #Austin #
  • Sure the one time I actually try to use foursquare (we don't go anywhere to check in to) their servers are down for maintenance. #
