The marathon is drawing nigh. As it does I’m getting kind of anxious. Running related activities (with the exception of actually running) make me more anxious. Stretching is the worst as I’m sitting on the floor with nothing really to do, but get nervous.
The TV down here isn’t really helping any. They have been running commercials about the race for a few days (mostly calling for volunteers) and I get just a wee bit queasy when I see them. Plus the weather is looking a bit iffy. You should have seen the weather folks on each of the local news stations last night. They were giddy, positively giddy I tell you, at the prospect that it might rain on the runners. Rain itself can be a big deal down here, but add to the fact that it is raining on 13,000 idiots running and you’ve got news.
Then the marathon website keeps adding more content. Things like a course map and most recently course videos. The videos show the view out the window of a car driving the course. The videos are very, very sped up. They still take 14 minutes to watch. I started watching these things and even at driving speed, faster than you could actually drive it because the video is sped up so much and because they have cut out all the waiting at lights, I still got bored and couldn’t watch the whole thing. Now I have to run it in real time. Go ahead and try to watch them. Tell me if by the 2nd minute you aren’t bored out of your mind and thinking, man this is a really, really long way.
At the end of another nice Texas winter day (70-75F most days lately) we went to the park. We played and Wesley got tired and hot. So he sat down at the base of a tree to catch a rest and a little shade. Good idea. When we caught up to him he said “Ants!” and pointed a few feet in front of him. I immediately pulled him up and we brushed off ants from his legs and feet. Then we ripped off his pants and got those ants off too. Luckily he wasn’t on a big ant hill and the ants weren’t in full attack mode. He only got 7 bites total. They bite repeatedly until you remove them. As you can see the bites really swell up (those welts are about the size of a silver dollar and protrude about a half inch). Amber and Wesley both tell me that they are really, really itchy. They itch for days. Poor guy… you can tell they are driving him crazy.
I went for a very short, slow run today. Just testing out the leg. It seemed to do okay, but even though I only ran a little over a mile I bet I’ll feel it tomorrow. I plan to run maybe 2 or 3 tomorrow assuming my calf feels alright. If I’m going to keep eating like I am now I’ll definitely need to keep running at least a couple of days a week. I’ve already gained a couple of pounds in the last two weeks of rest. Yikes!
As I write this there are 6 days 13 hours 13 minutes and 9 seconds until the marathon. Less as you read this very post. Wish me luck, I’m going to need it.
- She is rolling every which way. Front to back, back to front. Across the floor and under the couch.
- She is now able to get herself into a sitting position starting from the floor and vice versa without any assistance.
- She has her first tooth. (bottom left center).
- She is cute as a button. (No change here, but I felt it had to be said).
Tags: Jillian, Rolling over, sitting, tooth