
Amber on October 29th, 2008

I was amazed that yesterday Jillian said 3 new words.  She said: turtle, owie and help. So today I wanted to counted them.  I keep track of the words and signs she says on a calendar type page on our fridge.  I also write down special/fun things she does too.  (I keep one for Wesley […]

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Amber on October 24th, 2008

Last Saturday we went to Annalise’s first birthday party.  All of her family came down from Waco for the party.  It was great to be around all of them.  But it did make me miss our family… There were a lot of toys outside to play with and the always fun bouncy house! Then we […]

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Joshua on October 10th, 2008

I love this age.  Jillian is probably at my favorite age (so far).  So much new is going on.  They start communicating in about a thousand ways.  And their personalities really start to blossom. The fact that Jillian is passing gas is nothing new.  I even wrote about it here.  What is new is that […]

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Amber on October 7th, 2008

We are enjoying our cool fall days… Low of mid 50′s high of mid 80′s! I guess that is one of the good things about living in Austin.  

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