On Thursday night we setup the tent and had ourselves a little camp out. By “ourselves”, I mean myself, Wesley and Jillian. Amber and Redmond slept in their beds in the house. Here we are testing out the sleeping arrangments. And what would a camp out be without S’mores? We didn’t have a campfire, but […]
Jillian has been going to ballet at Fusion Dance Center since January. Here is what she was doing on her first class. On Saturday June 18th she danced in her first recital. She enjoyed every minute of it and LOVES looking at the pictures of her and her friends. I hope you do too: Her […]
We love you so much! Wesley says: I love you with all of my heart. You are the goofiest birthday. You are upside down every day. I wish you have the best birthday every. Jillian says: Happy Birthday. I miss you. Me and Wesley did not get to see you. I love you with all […]
This past weekend Wesley got to try his hand at soldering. He really liked it. I picked out the Lux Spectralis kit from The kit was cheap, had relatively few pieces and since it was a flashlight Wesley could actually use it. Plus, what kid doesn’t want a flashlight that does 36 different things […]