Today Wesley was awarded Eagle of the month at school!
What are they? Eagle of the Month awards are given to students who have demonstrated growth in one or more of the Lifelong Learning Skills or achievement of a remarkable academic goal. *
What are Lifelong Learning Skills? Lifelong Learning Skills are skills that help us navigate the social world and help us to be successful at home, at school and in the workplace. Edmonds school District has identified six Lifelong Learning Skills essential to healthy social/emotional development. They are Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation, Problem-Solving/Decision Making, Reflection/Self Awareness and Independent Work Habits. Teachers not only evaluate student’s skills in these areas but they also explicitly teach and continue to provide opportunities for growth & practice of these skills. Each student’s progress in these areas is reflected on their report card.*
How are students nominated for Eagle of the Month Awards? Eagle of the Month awards will be awarded to those students who have shown outstanding effort and growth in these areas. Please encourage discussions with your children at home about the meaning of these skills.*
Does every student get an EOM award by the end of the school year? Not necessarily. Students are recognized for making a concerted effort and for demonstrating marked improvement. “Self-esteem is most likely to be fostered when children are esteemed and receive meaningful feedback in the form of appreciation rather than empty praise and flattery”*. Therefore, teachers take great care to describe the specific ways in which students have progressed. It is important to remember that classroom teachers also recognize students for positive feats in other ways. Many are rewarded with trips to the classroom treasure box, are given Kool Kid awards, are reinforced for reaching personal goals as outlined on positive behavior charts, or are recognized and celebrated within their own classrooms.*
(*Quoted from the school counselor’s monthly newsletter)
Respect is defined as: “demonstrates empathy and kindness toward others; appreciates diversity; follows classroom and school rules; takes care of classroom and school environment.”
Responsibility is defined as: “demonstrates self-control and self-management, handling frustration appropriately. Reflects on and evaluates learning and behavior for the purpose improvement; sets goals”.

Here he is getting his award from the principal. (The awards are normally given out during the school assembly... which will be Thursday afternoon, but since he goes to am kindergarten, the principal came into his class.)

With his principal

With his teacher and the other nominated student from his class.
We are super proud of you Wesley!!! Keep up the good work.
Tags: Eagle of the Month, Kindergarten, Wesley
Fly Baby, Fly!
good work, wesley!
what a great kid!