
Amber on April 19th, 2011

I am not exactly sure how it happened…but Wesley has been complaining about how long his hair is in the front, so I trimmed his bangs.  Then he started asking if he could shave his head.  He said he wants to be bald.  He even asked if I could take off his eyebrows and eyelashes…!  […]

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Joshua on April 19th, 2011

This past weekend Wesley got to try his hand at soldering. He really liked it. I picked out the Lux Spectralis kit from Makershed.com. The kit was cheap, had relatively few pieces and since it was a flashlight Wesley could actually use it.  Plus, what kid doesn’t want a flashlight that does 36 different things […]

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Amber on April 18th, 2011

On Friday Joshua was off work (he is working the same schedule now that he did while we were in Austin – and it is great!) and we all went to the Spring Fair. Jillian saw a commercial for it and saw that Dora would be there.  She was so excited to go and see […]

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This photo of Wesley was picked by the National Wildlife Federation for an online article on their “Your Big Backyard” website.  It illustrates their “The Nose Knows” article about taking your kids on a “scent hunt”. It wasn’t a contest or anything, they just saw the photo on Flickr and asked if they could use it. […]

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