Joshua on June 25th, 2011

On Thursday night we setup the tent and had ourselves a little camp out. By “ourselves”, I mean myself, Wesley and Jillian. Amber and Redmond slept in their beds in the house.

Here we are testing out the sleeping arrangments.

And what would a camp out be without S’mores?  We didn’t have a campfire, but the grill worked just fine.

We thought we’d taught the kids how to eat. You know, mostly with the inside of their mouths. We were wrong. They promised some of the marshmallow went in.

To their credit, and to my surprise, they both slept in the tent all night long. It rained pretty hard (and constantly) shortly after we got in the tent, but we all stayed dry. They really had a good time and are ready to camp out again.



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Amber on June 24th, 2011

Amazingly the first day of summer here in Washington really was…sunny!!!

The kids insisted that they were SO hot – and that they needed to cool down in the pool.  (Even though it was only 65.)

Pool time!

An hour later they were freezing and asking for hot chocolate.

Warming up and watching some cartoons.

Then in the afternoon we went to Picnic Point Park for a couple of hours.

Helping with the sand toys as we cross the train tracks.

Getting to work right away.

And running through the water.

Keeping busy with the buckets and shovels.

Pretending the log is their boat.

Telling me how much work it is to drive the boat.

Digging as the tide comes in.

Going in really "deep"

And rushing back.

Wesley's castle and the cool rocks he found.

Burying his feet.

What a GREAT way to spend the first day of summer!


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Amber on June 23rd, 2011

Jillian has been going to ballet at Fusion Dance Center since January.  Here is what she was doing on her first class.

On Saturday June 18th she danced in her first recital.  She enjoyed every minute of it and LOVES looking at the pictures of her and her friends.  I hope you do too:

Her with all of her friends:

We all loved watching her too!

She wanted a picture with everyone…

with Yaya & Papa

with Grams

with Auntie Dri

with Auntie Lisa

Way to go Jillian.  I am sure this is the first of many more performances we will get to watch you in.  :)







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Amber on June 15th, 2011

It is a good yet sad day – no more preschool.
I can’t believe it has been a year already.

September 13, 2010 - 4 years, 9 months, 18 days

June 15, 2011 - 5 years, 6 months, 20 days

We have made some good friends at Meadowdale.

Wesley is sad that he won’t see all them anymore.  Only 2 others will be at his elementary school.


So here is to a fun summer and getting ready for kindergarten.


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