Amber on February 25th, 2009

For Wesley’s bedtime snack tonight I cut up some apple and arranged it in a circle on his plate.  When he saw it he said that I made him a flower.  But that the flower needed a middle.  So I got about 5 chocolate chips and put them into the center.

Wesley had been eating his snack for a bit, when he said that he made a guy – complete with hair, eyes, a nose and a mouth.

He was very proud of this!

He was very proud of this!



Amber on February 24th, 2009

On Friday the 20th we took Jillian for her 18 month check up.

And guess what!

Me too - I want to guess too...

Me too - I want to guess too...

She is still small:

  • Height:   30 inches (10th %tile)
  • Weight:  20 pounds 9.5 ounces (5th %tile)
  • Head:      45cm  (15th %tile)

But don’t let that fool you!  She is running, climbing, jumping and TALKING!!!   She is talking like a 2 year old.  Her sentences are amazing.  She is copying every word and/or sound that she hears.  And she understands everything!  You can tell her to do something and she listens.

She is super smart just like her Daddy – and she looks like him too.

Look what I am doing!  She loves to have us look at all of her accomplishments.

From here, I climb onto the table.

It is amazing how much love and spirit is crammed into such a tiny body.  One of my favorite things she does right now is: she says goodbye or goodnight to everything and everybody.  She does this super cute wave – she just moves the top part of her fingers.  Then combines that with her softly spoken “bye” – it makes you want to leave the room and then come back again to hear it over and over and over.



Joshua on February 20th, 2009


My wife is a genius. But we all knew that already. A few weeks ago she spent about $2 and made one little bedroom much more colorful and one little boy much happier. Here is how she did it.

Amber took a few thumbtacks, about 15 feet of embroidery floss and a some clothes pins and Voila!  Instant art gallery.

Wesley loves it. He puts his new pictures up on the wall and gets excited showing me his artwork.  He even uses one of the clothespins to hang Baby Bat upside down at night.


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Joshua on February 20th, 2009

The bed arrived today just as we were sitting down to dinner. As soon as we were finished eating Wesley and I hauled the 100 pound box upstairs. Unlike a traditional mattress this one requires a bit of assembly. I set up our Canon SLR and connected it to the computer via the USB cable and included software to shoot a time lapse video of the whole process. I’d seen this page which offered some nice stills, but I’m really loving this whole time lapse thing.

The bed went together pretty quickly, even though as you’ll notice in the video we had to spin it around a couple of times to get the pieces to all line up. The green “thing” towards the front of the video is, as near as we can determine, some sort of body pillow.  We weren’t expecting it, but it was in the box so it is ours now.

The frames are 10 seconds apart.  The first video is compiled at 6 frames per second.  So if my math is right, that means each second of video was one minute of real life.  If you don’t have 39 seconds to spare, take a look at the second video.  Same images only at 30 frames per second (or 5 minutes of real life to 1 second of film).

Right now I give the bed a rating of “Interesting”.  We’ll have to see how it feels after a couple of nights.  It is basically a couple of air mattresses with built in pumps (similar to the Aerobed) wrapped in some memory foam and zipped into what looks like a normal mattress cover.  The kids dig it for sure.  Up, down, click, blow, hiss. What’s not to love?  Even as geeky and techy as I am, I must admit I never thought I’d own a bed that needed to be plugged in.

Oh! And it stinks to high heaven.  It was manufactured on the 17th, the same day it shipped and it has that new petroleum product smell.  We had the windows open as long as we could stand the cold.  Hopefully this mellows out quick or we are going to have to go bunk with the kids.


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