Yesterday we gave Wesley a tricycle. I found it at the goodwill for 5 bucks. It works great – the colors are just faded. So after dinner Wesley and I went to the library. He rode his tricycle and I walked. It was a slow process. On the way there he did great. I walked backwards ahead of him and he chased me. On the way home I ended up pushing him on the tricycle. The way home is at a slight grade uphill. So the return trip was a lot of bending over and pushing him.
We were almost home and he said to me. “Thank you Mom for taking me to the Library. I love going there.”
Jillian is finding new uses for all the teeth she is growing. (A couple of days ago she cut her 8th tooth and she is working on at least 2 more.) This morning I watched her turn on her Hernando using her teeth! It was great. I guess that I how she does it when she is in her crib. I turn Hernando on by pressing his belly with my hand. But I guess teeth work good too.
Tags: Jillian Wesley
Turns out Jillian is allergic to Amoxicillin. And that we should probably stay away from the other -cillins too, like Penicillin for instance. During her one year checkup the doctor noticed some fluid behind her ears and even though she wasn’t complaining gave her the antibiotics to stop the pending ear ache. I sure am glad we caught it in time though, poor Cal.
She took the medicine for 8 days before we noticed anything so we didn’t think much of it. At first it looked like a little heat rash, which the kids get down here all the time, because, well, it is hot all the time. But as the weekend wore on she was covered head to toe. On her face, her chest, her back and arms and legs. Under her clothes and under her diaper. So that ruled out the new laundry sheets. By Monday she was a mess. She’d gone from being covered in individual spots to being covered (on some parts of her body) by one big red amorphous blob.
In to the doctor we went. He said allergy to the antibiotics, nothing we can do. So we didn’t do anything. It doesn’t bother her and it is almost all gone now. Just a few sprinkles left on her legs. We did skip the Austin Hot Sauce Festival on Sunday though for fear that either the rash was photosensitive (it was worse on her face and arms) or that it would not react pleasantly with sunscreen
Tags: amoxicillin, Jillian, Rash
So we went to the zoo last week. I’ll let Amber write about that if she wants. It was fun. But the best part, for me at least, came in the first few minutes. We were looking at the White-Handed Gibbons when I thought to myself “That monkey looks like he is going to poop”. You learn to spot that look when you have children. You can sense it even across the room. My first reaction of course was to get the camera ready. And sure enough he swung out onto a branch over the water and “dropped the kids off at the pool” as Adrianne would say. The turtles in the pond came rushing over. I’ll leave that part to your imagination.
Go ahead. Click on the photo to see a bigger copy. I won’t tell anyone. Here it is on Flickr too!
On Wednesday we went with Angela and Wesley to the Boggy Creek Farmer’s Market. It is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9-1. They say to come early for the best selection. We were there about 9:45 and there was a lot of everything but lettuce and tomatoes. They were all gone.
The boys carried the bags while Angela and I filled them up. Angela got some eggplant, peppers, onions, and potatoes. I got some pears, and onion and half dozen fresh hen eggs.
After we got our veggies the kids headed over to the baby chickens. They were so sweet talking and pointing to the chicks.
Next we went over to the hen house. This is were the eggs I bought were laid and collected. There were a lot of hens and a rooster or two. The kids did not see the rooster, but Wesley heard it and got really excited. He started saying cock-a -doodle-do over and over.
Next to the hen house is a dirt pit/pile and some trucks. What kid can resist that? Wesley spent his hole time there. He was uninterested in the big chickens, but Wesley Owen and Jillian thought they were pretty neat.
After our visit with the hens and a tour of the farm, (The boys thought it was cool to see where the produce was grown. They also liked the rows of dirt that were tilled over for the next crop to go into.) we sat down on the benches and had some goats milk ice cream. Wesley Owen had chocolate and I got Ambrosia (pineapple, coconut and vanilla flavor) for Wesley and Jillian. Jillian loved it – Wesley did not. Wesley Own shared a bit of his chocolate and Wesley loved it. So we went and got him Turtle Chocolate. Once everyone was happy with their flavors, they sat and enjoyed the ice cream and made a pretty big mess on the bench and on their clothes.
Then it was time to leave the farm. Angela and I had no real plans for the rest of the day. We were planning on heading back to her place and letting the kids play. But she got a call from the her friend the owner of Los Portales asking her to come and work the lunch shift. So we headed over there for lunch. The kids ate their tacos and ate queso and chips. Wesley was dipping queso on a chip for Jillian and feeding it to her. It was pretty cute. Then I noticed there was salsa in the queso. And then I looked at Jillian. Wesley gave her the salsa too! It was hot for me so I was worried that she would be crying. She just looked up at me and gave me a look like “huh. My mouth is hot.” and then took a sip of her milk and she was just fine. She is like her daddy. Likes it hot!
It was a fun day. It is nice that Angela lets me tag along with her. As she pulls away from my house she always says – the bus is on the move… Wesley now calls our car a bus too. It is pretty sweet.
We are looking forward to our next excursion out with the Wesley Owen.