Joshua on July 13th, 2008

Wesley has had a fever on and off over the last few days. I think he is past it now and has been feeling much better for the last day or so. I picked him up from a friend’s house (she was watching him while I was at work and Amber is off gallivanting around in the Great Northwest) and he was lethargic. This is a very unusual state for Wesley “I’m not tired” Hunter. He felt hot so I decided to take his temperature and headed upstairs to get the thermometer.

Me (bottom of stairs): Wesley I’m going to get the thermometer to take your temperature.

Wesley (on couch laying there like a lump): No.

Me (Stick out my tongue and give him the Raspberry): Yes.

Wesley: No. I’m not sick.

Me: Yes you are I need to take your temperature.

Wesley: No. I’m fine.

Wesley (slumps over on couch): Not sick.

Me (silly voice): Yes.

Wesley: No.

Me (half way up stairs): Yes.

Wesley: No.

Me: Yes.

Wesley: No.

Me: Yes.

Wesley: No.

Me (top of stairs): No!

Wesley: YES!

Wesley (Confused look. Realizes he has just been tricked. Not sure what to do.):

Wesley(Slumps back on couch. Too tired to figure it out.):

It was just like a Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck cartoon. They argue back and forth and finally Bugs changes positions and Daffy insists and shoots himself in the face with a shotgun. Okay, maybe not exactly like the cartoon.

Turns out he had a fever of 103.5 F. Some Tylenol and sleeping in our bed for two nights helped him feel better. He’s back to his normal self. I’m sure if he had been feeling better he would have been too quick to trick.


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Joshua on July 3rd, 2008

I ran across instructions for making this thing online the other day.  Pretty simple really.

  1. Take a bottle and cut a hole in the bottom
  2. Attach a washcloth (I used a zip-tie, but a rubber band would work)
  3. Wet the washcloth
  4. Dip it in bubble solution or soap (adding a little water to Johnson’s baby soap works great and doesn’t sting the eyes)
  5. Blow into the bottle
  6. Play with tons and tons of bubbles (create hats, beards, castles etc)

The best part is that Amber thinks this is about the greatest thing ever. She can’t look at a container without thinking about how great a bubble snake machine it would make.  It tickles me just to think about how excited she gets by it.  We are going to try shapes next I think.  The rectangular bottle we use now makes rectangular snakes, so why not stars or hearts?

The Foamerator (via Make)


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Amber on July 1st, 2008

So here is a very late and abridged version of our camping experience…  This is the positive highlights.  I will keep the not so positive parts as distant memories that I don’t really want to relive.

We camped with a group of Joshua’s co-workers and friends June 21-22 at Emma Long Metropolitan Park, which runs along Lake Austin.  This is the view from our campsite looking down to the water.  (It is taken at about 10 at night.)

A friend got a boat for the morning and the group took turns going out on the boat.  Joshua, Wesley, Jillian, Elliott and I were all passengers for the following pictures:

Wesley was unsure of being on the raft.  He was on it total of maybe 3 minutes.

Joshua love it!!!  He was amazing.  He was even doing a couple of 360′s.

Then it was my turn with Jillian.  But all she wanted to do was go to sleep.  She almost fell asleep on her 3 minute raft ride.

Then I told Bill (who was driving the boat) that I wanted to crash into the water.  Big mistake.  It really hurts.  This is me right before I landed face first on the lake.  My black eye lasted less than a week.  :)

Then after lunch, Joshua took the kayaks out.  He took Wesley and Elliott for a ride and Mat was in the green boat.   After he took the kids out he went out on his own.  He paddled  down and into a channel and saw some amazing wildlife and a really cool zip line that connected two houses on either side of the channel.  How cool would that be?

While Joshua was out on his own, Jillian really wanted to be in the kayak.  She tried to climb into the seat and then climbed up on top of the kayak and back down the other side over and over.

The rest of the time was pretty much spent doing this…  They both loved the water.

Here is Joshua and Wesley at the end of the day.  He did not want to leave the water.

It was a fun experience.  I think the next time we go will be in the fall when it is much cooler and we can have a real camp fire.


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Amber on June 20th, 2008

I know…everyone says this, but it is true. Our kids are so sweet. They are loving and kind and want to share their love with everyone.

Wesley is always giving hugs and kisses. He will kiss you elbow, knee, arm, cheek, nose… for no reason at all, but to give you a kiss. He gives them to me, Joshua, Jillian, other parents and other kids.
Wesley will thank you for doing regular stuff. Like at dinner – he will say “Thank you for making this nice dinner” and today walking back from the pond he said “Thank you for the nice little walk to the pond”.

Jillian blows kisses without being prompted. At bedtime when I say goodnight to Wesley and I am holding her she will blow him a kiss. She knows that goodnight means giving kisses.
Jillian will wave hello and goodbye to everyone. But her favorite person to say hello, goodbye or blow kisses to is Joshua. She loves her daddy!!

I am so grateful to have sweet kids, it just makes any bad behavior more tolerable because I know that the hard times won’t last long and my happy/loving kids will return a wave, a hug and/or a kiss.


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